Data Visualization Specialist at Data Catalyst
Real User
Lets me train new users quickly, easily, and intuitively
Pros and Cons
  • "Tableau is easy to use. That's the first and most important thing. I not only provide consulting but I also train people to use it, so with its ease-of-use it's not as difficult for me to train executives and management staff, because they don't have the IT background, unlike when I'm using Python."
  • "Overall, the only major frustration that I have had so far is with Tableau Public. I first used Tableau Public when I was building capacity, and when there was a later release to download and you wanted to upgrade, all your work would have to be manually re-entered."

What is our primary use case?

In my consulting firm, I use Tableau for data visualization and data analysis. Alongside Tableau, I also use Python and, on occasion, SPSS.

The EU had recommended Tableau for use in some of the statistics offices in Africa, including government institutes in Ghana, and just last week I was using it to do a program for the Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation. There, I used Tableau to convey selling points to buy Tableau, which is one example of the consulting work I do for clients. 

I also train others in visual analysis with the use of Tableau. This September, I trained 265 medical statisticians. Last week, I trained 13 staff from the Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation. And soon, I'll be training another group of 20 people on Tableau.

How has it helped my organization?

Tableau is a good product for people like me who provide data analysis training because it makes my job far easier. It's a good product and very easy to use, making the introduction of key technologies extremely simple.

For instance, when you get data, and go in to analyze it, people ask, "This is numeric?" People start thinking about, "How do I get all these tools?" Tableau takes the data and automatically breaks it down into two dimensions and measures. That makes it easy for me when I'm doing training.

So what I would say to trainees is, "Don't worry about all these data types, when you are designing your questionnaire, because in Tableau it breaks them into two. And the measures are the ones that you are going to actually work on. You normally break them down by the dimensions." And that makes it simple for people to understand. Otherwise people don't know where to start when it comes to data analytics.

Tableau makes life very easy for not only myself but also for others, because you can quickly get into data analytics and visualization with it.

What is most valuable?

Tableau is easy to use. That's the first and most important thing. I not only provide consulting but I also train people to use it, so with its ease-of-use it's not as difficult for me to train executives and management staff, because they don't have the IT background, unlike when I'm using Python. They don't know anything about programming, so Python is more difficult.

Tableau is also, right from the outset, a self-service product. It's easy for anyone to understand and use. Some of the organizations that I introduce to Tableau are using the full-blown version, i.e. the commercial version, and they can very quickly start analyzing data with the use of the Ask Data feature, where you can simply drag and drop while querying for data with natural language processing. You type in English and it will pick the data and analyze it for you.

Those features are built into Tableau which makes getting started with data analysis very easy. And it's also got some pretty good built-in visualization tools. I would say Tableau is one of the best when it comes to self-service functionality.

What needs improvement?

I attended a Tableau conference recently, and a quick improvement came to mind. When I am training people how to use it, I've come across situations where I've found it difficult to explain relationships. For example, when you want to blend data or when you want to show relationships, like when linking multiple tables; well, if you're an IT guy, that's easy. But if you are not an IT guy, you don't know anything about entity relationships, and it becomes a bit difficult for others to follow along.

It takes me a long time to get people to understand, even up to the point where I feel that this is the lowest level that I can go in terms of explaining it. I realized that many people don't really have any experience or knowledge about relationships between objects, and it makes it hard for me to get my teaching across. 

So I was suspecting, and I think I made this recommendation, that Tableau could find an easier way to introduce relationships. For now, if you want to build relationships in Tableau, or even in Excel, you have things like Access modules and Sheets. But how do I know that I need to use one object with another for the relationship. And if you then put in a table, what do you do after that? You have to double click, but people don't know that you have to double click.

I was hoping that there's a way that they can make that process a bit easier, though I don't know how they will do it. Perhaps when you load Tableau and connect to a data source, there would be a prompt that asks you if you want to link two tables together. So if you want to link two tables together, maybe you do A, B, C, D.

That might help with the self-service idea. If you're talking about self-service, then it should be easy for people who do not have the time, or who do not have that IT background, to pick the data and use it correctly.

In addition, and more generally, what I would like to see more support for is predictive analytics. When you're doing descriptive analysis, Tableau is excellent, and it's easy to do. But when you are trying to predict something, like in Tableau's forecasting feature, it seems to require date fields, or it won't work.

But I can forecast something without relying on date fields; maybe I want to predict that a branch has to close if it doesn't want to make something soon. I don't need dates to do that. For this reason, I'm using Alteryx for predictive modeling instead of Tableau.

Overall, the only major frustration that I have had so far is with Tableau Public. I first used Tableau Public when I was building capacity, and when there was a later release to download and you wanted to upgrade, all your work would have to be manually re-entered. I don't know how they can solve that. I was expecting that they might make a release on this upgrade, and then I can hit upgrade and it will install over what ever I have already.

Otherwise, for now I think they are doing well and I know they're still adding a lot of features. But it does sometimes make our work difficult, for those of us who are building capacity, and who are regularly changing people around. It means you have to keep learning all the time.

Another small detail for improvement is that when you draw bar charts, the default color could be something more neutral like gray. Instead, the default is blue, and I don't exactly get why this is the case.

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May 2024
Learn what your peers think about Tableau. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using Tableau for the past three years now.

How are customer service and support?

I contacted support when I had a problem with data entry in 2018 or 2019. I spoke to a man based in Ireland and he was super.

I had originally put the problem I had on the Tableau community support forum, but I didn't get the right answer. I've forgotten the exact problem but it involved connecting to a data set from an Excel file. Instead of the data field displaying the data for you, what I got instead was an error or no response.

It kept happening like that so I sent a message to support, who gave me some steps to follow. I followed them but it still did not work. However, I realized that any time I do it and it shows up and I click data,  it then suddenly goes off. I'm still wondering why that happened. I think it depends on the size of the file or some other reason. I have not tried it again because I'm a bit busy now but it's something that I want to go back to because support didn't give me a satisfactory answer.

They told me, "Do this." I said, "I tried it. It did not work." They asked me again to do something and I tried it, and it still did not work. But then I tried on my own, and this time when the problem came up I clicked the data interface twice to reload it. On the second time I clicked, it worked, but I don't think that is the right way to handle it. 

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I used Power BI before discovering Tableau in 2016/2017.

At first I did not like Tableau, because Tableau initially put me off considering that I have a problem with how Françafrique countries, like in West Africa, are controlled by France to not buy anything from Anglophone countries. I've worked in 15 African countries. And for instance, in Ghana, we are bordered by Françafrique countries but they haven't bought things from here because France tells them, "Don't buy." Which to me is wrong. Why should you sit in Paris and dictate to Africans?

I also decided that, "Okay. I'm not going to go into any French country and work." So, for my consultancy, apart from mainly Côte d'Ivoire, I also said, "Look. It is the attitude towards Anglophone and West African countries, I'm not going to help anybody." Because my contract with the World Bank was to build capacity. So I decided I'm not going to go there.

So, when I saw Tableau first, the word itself made me think that this might be the same kind of product, and I would not even look at it, because I was against it.

I kept on using my Power BI until a colleague, another consultant who we met from South
Africa, said to me while I was demonstrating Power BI, "I think you can use Tableau." I said, "What is Tableau? I don't want it." He said, "Oh I don't know much about Tableau, but somebody told me it's easier to use than Power BI." He said, "Why don't you look at that?"

We were working on the same project and I told him, "No, I'm not interested, I will not
look at it. It's a strange product, I don't want to look at a different product." And the guy insisted, "Oh please, you must take a look at it." Because we were looking at the project like we're a team, I said, "Okay, I'll look at it."

So that evening I downloaded it and I realized that all the things that I'm doing in Power
BI, that requires some level of IT background, well, I don't need that in Tableau. So then I decided, okay, let me really look at it. Who is behind Tableau? I asked where is the name Tableau from? Where did you get that name from? Okay.

So that was the time I changed my mind towards Tableau, and to be honest with you I've not regretted anything for doing it. I'm quite happy about it.

How was the initial setup?

Setup is not that difficult for me. However, I remember in Gambia, there was some initial difficulty when I was teaching how to set up the organigram for the National Social Staff System.

In the National Social Staff System, you have about 11 ministries involved and the coordinator, and it's the coordinating agencies in Bureau of Statistics. So I needed to set up the system so that all the other ministries can enter their data. And when you enter the data, the other ministry, let's say, Ministry A can also enter data. And Ministry B cannot see what Ministry A is doing.

Now, when I was doing it, it was not difficult at all, but because I had to handle other systems and leave, I tried to explain it to them but they found it a bit hard to grasp.

So where you have multiple alliances and you set them up like organizations, it can get a bit complex. Because there's differences within the same organization under different departments. It's not a big problem when you buy Tableau for one single organization, but when you set things up for multiple organizations like the National Social Staff System, it can get problematic.

The national system is made up of different entities: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, etc. They are different ministries and they don't necessarily need access to all of each other's data. But if you buy Tableau for each of them then that is fine but if it comes to a situation where they all come under one number and you're setting up, you don't want one ministry to see what the other is entering.

So there was definitely a bit of a problem there. But I can't blame Tableau because no matter what it is, sometimes you need a certain level of IT skills to get certain things done. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

At $70 per month, I think the price is a bit scary. I have a small consulting firm in Ghana, working in about 15 different African countries, and when it comes to our part of the world, $70 a month is a lot of money for software.

In fact, where Tableau was approved for use in Gambia, I had the EU pay for three years. But I know it's expiring soon, and I don't think they will have the money to renew. I don't know how they're going to do it. When you come to Africa, especially when you're on the net, we don't use it so much, so I don't know if there is something that they can do about pricing for people in the African continent.

Yet recently, I trained 265 medical statisticians on how to visualize their data, using Tableau Public. They were so happy. And they thought, "Oh, this is very easy for us to do." But when they asked me about the price and I told them, they said, "$70? But we can't pay."

So that for me is a problem here. And, mostly, it's a problem for everybody. There are some companies that can easily afford it, but the majority of companies cannot.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I have occasionally used IBM SPSS for similar work that I perform in Tableau, but I only use it when the client absolutely requires it.

What other advice do I have?

I wouldn't tell people to go with Tableau just because it's the tool that I use. I would instead emphasize its remarkable ease-of-use and the way Tableau really listens to their users and comes up with frequent upgrades. 

I would rate Tableau a nine out of ten. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Integrator
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Roshan Jayakodi - PeerSpot reviewer
Consultant - Data Engineering at South Asian Technologies
Top 10
A user-friendly tool for visualization
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features of the solution are the permission management and the user management."
  • "The only issue with the solution is with its prices at a regional level."

What is our primary use case?

As an administrator, I use the solution in my company to deal with customers' current deployments and help with the troubleshooting process in case of issues while keeping a check on the performance, like the coverage provided by the solution.

How has it helped my organization?

Tableau is a good product for some of the projects my company has handled, and we have also used it as a visualization tool. Considering how certain products work for customers and how their businesses function, it is easy for my company to use Tableau in such environments as it is a user-friendly tool.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features of the solution are the permission management and the user management.

What needs improvement?

With Tableau, the only downside stems from its prices, especially in the country where I reside, which is Sri Lanka. When my company reaches out to new customers with Tableau's new costs, we find ourselves at a disadvantage. The price is an area where improvements are required.

I think Tableau plans to release some AI-integrated features in 2024 for one of our company's clients we had initially. My company plans to use the AI-integrated version of the solution when it is released. AI is one of the best things that I was hoping to have on Tableau.

The only issue with the solution is with its prices at a regional level. Integration-wise, it is a good product. Tableau always provides support to users. Tableau should introduce some special pricing for its existing customers, and it should be possible for the partners and resellers to provide such special prices to customers.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Tableau as an administrator in my company for four years. My company, which is in Sri Lanka, has a partnership with Tableau.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is a stable solution. If the people who are working on the tool know about the product, then it's a stable solution. New people who have an understanding of the product can use its stable nature. Stability-wise, I rate the solution a nine out of ten. There is a possibility that the product crashes at times.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The product offers scalability or scaling out options, but at the moment, there is no demand for the product from the customers, and nobody is getting it deployed. In general, though it is a scalable solution, no one prefers using the product presently. Recently, I have only done two deployments of the product for our company's customers. The people who use the product are not satisfied with it.

The product's clients are major banks and some other businesses operating in the financial sector, meaning all of the tool's customers run enterprise-sized companies.

How are customer service and support?

The solution's technical support was good. I rate the technical support an eight to nine out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The product's initial setup phase was not very easy as it was a little bit of a technical process about which I didn't have any experience. I rate the product's initial setup phase a six to seven on a scale of one to ten, where one is a difficult setup process, and ten is an easy setup process.

Most of the solutions I have deployed have been done on an on-premises model. For some new customers, my company has deployed the product on the cloud. If customers are okay with their budgeting part, I suggest they deploy the tool on the cloud.

For new users, our company can set up an environment. If the customer can provide an on-premises environment, we can set up Tableau in four to five hours. A single-node deployment takes around four to five hours, but if it is a marginal level of deployment, it might take a day or a day and a half.

When involved in the deployment, if there is some support from the customer's IT team, then only one person is required to take care of the deployment process.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I rate the product price in the Indian region a seven to eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is a low price, and ten is a high price. For the other regions in the world, the price of the product might be average. The additional cost attached to the product crops up when users plan to use the product on an on-premises model.

What other advice do I have?

I recommend the product to those who plan to use it. Tableau is a good visualization tool for everyone, and it is also easy to learn, especially when compared with its competitors.

I rate the overall tool an eight to nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

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Buyer's Guide
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about Tableau. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Wonjae BAE - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior Managing Director at dfocus
Top 20
Helps in KPI management and monitoring
Pros and Cons
  • "The solution helps users create dashboards and analyze data without relying on IT or product teams."
  • "The tool's OpenAI integration was announced last year. However, it is late. Tableau is a good solution for end customers. However, there are some concerns regarding the stability and performance of its server architecture, including SaaS services. The server side appears unstable, and performance issues are noticeable, often accompanied by unclear error messages."

What is our primary use case?

We use the solution for the client's management of KPIs; it involves monitoring various aspects. If they are a manufacturing company, key performance indicators revolve around production and other relevant factors.

What is most valuable?

The solution helps users create dashboards and analyze data without relying on IT or product teams. 

What needs improvement?

The tool's OpenAI integration was announced last year. However, it is late. Tableau is a good solution for end customers. However, there are some concerns regarding the stability and performance of its server architecture, including SaaS services. The server side appears unstable, and performance issues are noticeable, often accompanied by unclear error messages.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been working with the product for seven years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I rate Tableau's stability a nine out of ten. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Our experience spans around 70 customers, covering manufacturing, pharmacy, trading, construction, universities, and the public sector. I rate the product's scalability a seven out of ten. 

How are customer service and support?

The tech support takes too much time to respond.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

I rate the tool's setup a ten out of ten. While setting Tableau servers for customers, we often encounter challenges that vary based on their network configuration and operating systems, such as Windows or Linux.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

In Korea, the tool's pricing depends on the scale of usage. For instance, it's reasonable for a department with fewer than 50 users to adopt Tableau, like sales. However, the pricing becomes an issue when considering an enterprise solution for a larger user base, say 10,000 people.

What other advice do I have?

Tableau is integrating OpenAI's GPT feature. It will help to create automatic dashboards with natural language. Only ten percent of our customers use Tableau in the cloud since they prioritize their data. They don't want to import their data to the cloud. It is as per their policies and security advice. Traditional companies don't like exporting customer data outside the organizational network. 

Japanese data centers often support Korea. However, the challenge arises from the absence of a federal cloud data center in Korea. Consequently, utilizing Tableau Cloud may result in data being exported outside the country. This is not allowed legally for financial entities such as banks. 

However, the government does not regulate smaller companies like startups. Hence, they are more open to the cloud. This is not the case for public entities. They should install the software in the government's cloud. 

Our clients for Tableau are mainly enterprise businesses. I rate it a nine out of ten. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer:
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DorianS - PeerSpot reviewer
Lead Author at
Top 10
Easy integration with interactive storytelling capabilities but needs to improve data preparation features
Pros and Cons
  • "Tableau has greatly enhanced our organization's data-driven decision-making processes by enabling us to create visually compelling reports and dashboards."
  • "Navigating through activities like cleansing, reshaping, and wrangling extensive or complicated datasets could prove challenging within the Tableau environment."

What is our primary use case?

My primary use case of Tableau was in conjunction with Salesforce to enhance my data visualization and analysis capabilities. 

Tableau empowers users to delve into their data deeply, effortlessly unlocking valuable insights and critical information. It's got a user-friendly interface and extensive visualization capabilities that allow me to create compelling reports and dashboards that help me make better decisions. 

How has it helped my organization?

Tableau has greatly enhanced our organization's data-driven decision-making processes by enabling us to create visually compelling reports and dashboards.

This capability has led to better communication between teams. Despite some limitations associated with custom data connectors, Tableau has proven to be an invaluable tool for aggregating data from multiple sources, offering us a complete view of our operations. 

This comprehensive perspective has allowed us to identify trends, make informed decisions, and optimize our strategies, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and competitiveness in our industry.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features of Tableau for our organization have been the interactive storytelling capabilities and easy integration with Salesforce. We can create visual descriptions of data, making complex information accessible and interesting to all sides. This feature enables us to effectively communicate data-driven insights. 

In addition, our integration with Salesforce provides access to critical sales data in real-time, which facilitates quick decision-making and improves customer relationship management. Together, these features enable us to get the most out of our information assets, which helps us to develop informed actions and strategies.

What needs improvement?

Tableau is excellent at visualizing data, however, I think improving the data preparation features would be a great addition. Navigating through activities like cleansing, reshaping, and wrangling extensive or complicated datasets could prove challenging within the Tableau environment. 

Also, the settings for working with complex datasets also need to be changed. In the next version, it would be good to add user-friendly resources for beginners, such as interactive tutorials and templates, to make Tableau even more accessible to a wider audience.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've used the solution for more than three months.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I used a range of solutions to find the best one. I haven't switched; I'm using them at the same time.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I evaluated QlikView.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Gerardo Prado - PeerSpot reviewer
General Manager at Performma Ltda.
Real User
Offers great features together with several tools to visualize data and build dashboards
Pros and Cons
  • "Tableau Prep tool for data preparation is a most valuable tool."
  • "The solution could use more features in data analytics."

What is our primary use case?

We are consultants and implement this solution for many of our clients. We had a project for a telecommunications company, where we extracted the transaction data and helped them to find some trends and improve analytics. They were able to gain knowledge from the data and to see some KPI indicators and build some dashboards for commercial, risk and financial purposes. We help clients connect their raw data, prepare and clean, and generally carry out the cycle. We then help them to extract insights, trends and work on forecasting so they can visualize their indicators in dashboards or in some ad hoc analysis. I'm the general manager and we are partners with Tableau.

What is most valuable?

The solution has several platforms or tools to visualize data and to build dashboards. The Tableau Prep tool is great for data preparation and this is the most valuable tool for preparing data, cleaning and building data models or data warehouses. The main issue, and most companies have the same problem, is updating data, which they can do with Tableau Server, where you can synchronize data to automatically refresh daily, weekly or monthly. It means your dashboards and KPIs will be updated. Most people know Tableau because you can build beautiful dashboards, but the main beneficial features are behind the scenes.

What needs improvement?

The product could be improved with more features in data analytics. Tableau is not currently a good database for handling built-in models for data science in order to test, train and run the models. It's not currently an AI tool or a tool for machine learning. Right now it's more for non-expert users. If they could improve their analytical capabilities for data science tasks, it would be a better product. In order to carry out data science tasks now, we have to use Vertica for big data projects to discover and run machine learning models. It would be very good if they had their own machine learning capabilities built in. I'd like to see more features in data analytics, AI and machine learning capabilities.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using this solution for the past 12 years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is good, we haven't had many bugs. They provide many updates every week and we don't have problems with Tableau in general.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution is scalable, we have around 15% of our clients that are large scale businesses with the majority being small companies. We provide support for our customers.

How are customer service and technical support?

Two or three years ago, technical support was very good. I think that now there are many more users of Tableau, the technical support is not as good as it used to be, particularly in terms of the depth of analysis. It's more general these days. You can buy their professional services in order to get better support.

How was the initial setup?

Most companies find it very easy to implement Tableau and to make an impact with their data because it's very easy to install, to learn and to start using. For larger companies we combine Tableau with other solutions, such as Vertica or Alteryx or Hadoop or Python. That's a big project but most companies first need to solve their self-service BI. They need to find insights into their business and with Tableau it's very easy to do that. In minutes, you can gain many insights and discover knowledge without being an expert of business intelligence, let's say. Deployment takes an average of two months, it depends on the size of the company.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We are always evaluating this solution in relation to Microsoft Power BI and QlikView. Power BI requires knowledge of numerous other Microsoft products in order to get results from your implementation. You need an expert DBA that can handle it in cloud and many specialists to implement the Microsoft solution. People think that buying or using Power BI is all that they need to do, but that's not the case, Power BI is just the last step of the implementation. A lot needs to be done before implementation. It's the same when it comes to automatizing the data refresh. Tableau has just three products and you don't need much time to learn and to finish a project and be up and running. QlikView has less tools and less features for data preparation. Vertica is another database that handles built-in models for data science and for the data scientist, this is a good choice in order to run, test and train the models.

What other advice do I have?

It's important to understand your needs because if you only need to build dashboards, Tableau is not essential. But if you need a deeper business intelligence project, and you have higher expectations, Tableau would be the solution. If you only need to build some dashboards, you can use Power BI, it's a very good tool and it's cheaper. If your project is more ambitious then go for Tableau. Tableau has a lot of experience and can solve all the typical problems. I rate this solution a nine out of 10.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
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it_user1192905 - PeerSpot reviewer
Chief SAP - ICT (Digital & IT) at a energy/utilities company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Great for following KPIs, good performance and good for presentations
Pros and Cons
  • "The solution makes for very productive and really informative decision making. It can lead the whole business and build a strategy across whole working departments."
  • "The cost of owning the solutions from Tableau is much higher compared to any other analytical solutions."

What is our primary use case?

We have been using Tableau for all sorts of analytical tasks. When I was having an ERP SAP practice, we used SAP analytical tools and IBM Cognos plus Tableau for dynamic display session purposes. Tableau ended up being the best solution. That is why we moved over to Tableau. We predominantly implement and use Tableau. 

How has it helped my organization?

It's a pure data platform. Everyone relies on Tableau. Our departmental meetings and reports for monthly meetings and reviews happen live on Tableau. We can prepare all of our KPIs on it. In fact, all of our KPIs can be placed onto one single screen and divided into nine tiles that can be further divided.

We can easily review and define all of our KPIs. The data is perfectly validated. It allows us to run corporate and board presentations purely on Tableau's visualization center.

What is most valuable?

It's an extremely good product with respect to performance and analytics. 

All the transactions that are happening are happening in SAP and some of the solutions are in Oracle as well. The combination, the data extraction which is filtered into authenticated, validated financial data, sales data, material data, etc, into Tableau platform is very useful for us.   

The solution makes for very productive and really informative decision making. It can lead the whole business and build a strategy across whole working departments.

What needs improvement?

The licensing costs of Tableau are on the higher side and probably if you wanted more adaptability in usage across business divisions you need to have more reasonable pricing of licenses of Tableau. Tableau is a standalone product. That is a disadvantage.

Due to the fact that it is a standalone product, it has to extract the data from other ERP systems or other bespoke systems and other data systems, etc. If you have big data systems and you have got other informed decision-making tools and the data is being extracted into Tableau it is dependent on many other platforms.

In contrast, if you use SAP vertical data systems and you have SAP's Data Hub, etc., then everything is vertically integrated. The whole data pipeline is vertically integrated and there is a visualization screen right there as well. Therefore, you don't normally have to go for a separate integration process altogether or need a data extraction solution.

In the end, Tableau has got two or three disadvantages in the sense that it is not a seamlessly integrated platform, end-to-end platform. It's purely a standalone reporting tool. On top of that, the licensing cost is extremely on the higher side. Thirdly, IT divisions probably are a little bit hesitant to use Tableau due to the fact that separate training is required, and separate skill sets are needed to develop everything. 

The cost of owning the solutions from Tableau is much higher compared to any other analytical solutions.

For how long have I used the solution?

We've used Tableau for the past two and a half years or so.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support is okay. It depends on the countries. I was in Australia for some time and there the support is much better than in India. This is probably due to the fact that a number of users are struggling with it and you get delayed support here. It's better to use Tableau proactively and develop a center of excellence in our organization. That is what I did and it helped us out a lot. I don't have any complaints about technical support per se.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Tableau is undisputedly the number one analytical product in the world. I have given a long presentation to management and the CEO about what differentiates Tableau over other products such as Cognos and Hyperion, SAP, etc. Lumira also is a strong contender, however, Tableau is way ahead because of the dynamic reporting that is possible and the whole virtualization that is very easy to produce, or reproduce. The business users themselves enjoy working on Tableau much better than other solutions like SAP, Cognos, Hyperion, etc.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing of the solution is a bit high.

What other advice do I have?

We're only customers. We don't have a business relationship with the company.

We have not moved to the cloud so far with this product. Only SAP Ariba is on the cloud. The rest of our solutions, all analytical solutions, are on-premise solutions only.

Businesses should know what exactly they can do with Tableau. It's not just a visualization center or dashboard. You can contact a lot of assets that are in use - such as institutional analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. It can integrate with any artificial intelligence learning solutions and analytic solutions. That is where big data analytics play an important role. Modern business is more focused on all sorts of big database analytical solutions, especially for retail and other larger CRM business.

A company needs to decide answers to questions such as "how do you extract data?" or "Which department wants what data?". They would definitely need to have an initial, extremely focused approach of implementing it, with the full participation of the business teams. That is how a successful Tableau implementation needs to happen. However, it doesn't end there. You also need to educate business users or corporates on the solution as well.

Tableau is an extremely good product. I'd advise other users to use all aspects of and take advantage of its capabilities. Tableau has many licensing products available and a whole analytical model should be under one platform rather than going for bits and pieces from Oracle, IBM, SAP, Microsoft, etc.  Tableau is undisputedly the leader of the whole analytical solution and it should remain so only because it should have a larger use phase.

The training of Tableau is good, however, users should be aware that the consultants' availability across various countries is limited. I'm from Bangalore and if I need a Tableau consultant it's very difficult to locate one. You can, however, often find freelancing consultants. They can also get the job done.

Overall, I'd rate the solution seven out of ten.

There are so many solutions on the market. Primavera solution is a project management software. There is no product that can beat Primavera in the project management functions so you have many such project management products, SAP Project Manager, Product and Portfolio management is there, Microsoft Project is there. There are other Oracle project management solutions out there and then Primavera is there. 

When Oracle purchased this solution, the popularity of Primavera died out. I've personally stopped recommending that particular product. There are others that cost less, so why use that one?

Tableau should learn from Primavera, and ensure it builds its user base and market its abilities so that corporates understand the depth and breadth of its usage. Many only use 10-20% of its capabilities. It's the duty of Tableau to ensure potential use cases are advertised and more information is disseminated to corporates to help them understand how it can benefit them and why that should adopt it.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Senior Team Lead at Peristent Systems
Real User
Very interactive with great dashboards and good virtualization
Pros and Cons
  • "The action feature which Tableau has is very useful for us. If we click on one visualization, it will pass the value to another visualization. That interactivity within different visualizations is the most valuable feature of Tableau."
  • "The pricing is a bit higher than the competition. They'll need to lower it to stay competitive."

What is our primary use case?

We primarily use the solution for HR and energy dashboards. We have made and a few other dashboards for opportunities and accounts. 

What is most valuable?

Tableau has really good and interactive visualization and interactivity. 

The action feature which Tableau has is very useful for us. If we click on one visualization, it will pass the value to another visualization. That interactivity within different visualizations is the most valuable feature of Tableau.

What needs improvement?

Tableau would be really good if we could have predefined templates. I was doing a POC another newer tool, Einstein Analytics. They have predefined templates already set up. These predefined templates do the heavy lifting for the initial dashboards. We don't have to build them from scratch. Our dashboards look really good and 20 to 30% of the look and feel of the dashboard completes with the predefined templates. If Tableau works on the predefined templates, that would be so helpful to a lot of companies. It would save time for the developers.

The pricing is a bit higher than the competition. They'll need to lower it to stay competitive.

They need to move more into machine learning AI. Right now, in a POC that I'm doing with Einstein Analytics, they are more into machine learning and AI. Tableau is lagging as of now. If they want to have a long run in the market, they need to integrate machine learning and AI. It has to be very robust.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for two years now.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I can say that this solution is quite scalable. I'd rate it eight out of ten. It integrates with many solutions. I haven't used our code in everything, however, I have used it for our HR integration and I find the code is quite scalable. 

In the last project I managed, there were 110 regular users of the solution with about 20 suer-users that were able to edit reports and dashboards and tasks of that nature.

How are customer service and technical support?

I'd give technical support a nine out of ten. There were time zone differences. However, I got a timely reply and call from them, so it was very good. The support is very good. It's both responsive and helpful. I'm quite satisfied with them.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I've used BusinessObjects and MicroStrategy as well. I used to use Power BI for a few months.

The main competitor to this product is Power BI, which I also use. This license is a bit costly compared to Power BI. Not more, but a bit costly from what I've seen.

There's not much of a difference between Power BI and Tableau. They have the same kind of interface and the features. The main difference between the BusinessObjects and the others is that its an enterprise tool. The licensing cost of the BusinessObjects is very, very expensive. The visualizations and objects etc., all have separate licensing for dashboarding. On top of that, the chart's not that interactive. If you click on one chart, it will automatically change the data of the several other charts related to that. That is not very interactive compared to Tableau or Power BI.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was not exactly straightforward. It was complex, or, to be fair, had a medium amount of complexity to it. The use cases were complex also and few of them had medium complexity to begin with.

Deployment was basically in the development environment and then we deployed it in the UAT for the users. They had a look at our reports in UAT first and then we deployed it into production. I was also working as a Tableau administrator also and then I learned Tableau administration in order to handle that aspect. I handled Tableau administration with the user and deployed the reports, etc.

The company has different verticals basically. I worked on HR and energy verticals. They also had finance and accounts. I have to maintain that administration part for all of them; not just my dashboards. From a deployment perspective, it was tough for me to maintain all the users and all the rules for the accounts department and for finance, and to be in the group for them, and to assign permissions for them. I did have issues in the servers in terms of gateways. I resolved them myself in the end with the help of Tableau support. 

What about the implementation team?

I handled the implementation myself. I didn't need the assistance of a reseller or consultant.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The company chose to purchase a creator license for me, which was $70. With that license, you can also be an administrator. We also have 20-25 extra licenses and they cost around $20-$35 each. Those are for normal users who will be viewing the dashboards. Those are monthly charges.

There aren't any other costs over and above that.

Apart from that we had database licensing. So because we used Snowflake as a cloud database.

What other advice do I have?

Our company has a partnership with Tableau.

I've used both on-premises and cloud, depending on the requirements.

This particular solution is quite an easy to use product. It's very robust. Even a layman who has previously was not worked with any other BI tools would love to work on this. They will find many things easier to implement. There are a few other tools that are in the market. However, from an implementation point of view, it's very robust. 

I'd rate the solution nine out of ten overall.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Fintech Project Manager at a comms service provider with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Good for personal usage and small setups
Pros and Cons
  • "A valuable feature of Tableau is that it is a useful tool for small setups. I shuffle between Tableau and MicroStrategy, so I use Tableau for personal purposes more than enterprise. I like the light version of Tableau for personal usage and doing some use cases on my own. When it comes to something small, I use Tableau for setups, rather than any other tool."
  • "I think Tableau could be improved with cheaper or more flexible licensing, though this is a generic improvement and applies for any product. It would be better if they had more flexible payment and licensing plans so that they could suit small- and mid-sized organizations."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use case of Tableau is to elaborate and demonstrate output from our big data solution. For example, we use it for finding out the best location for cases, such as fraud cases. Presently, we are using Tableau to find out the original fraud case, the initiator of the fraud process, and the network. Tableau is used with our big data solution, so it's embedded there, before Oracle even. 

Tableau is deployed on-premise. In my organization, we have a very strict environment, so we don't have a policy for having anything on cloud. 

What is most valuable?

A valuable feature of Tableau is that it is a useful tool for small setups. I shuffle between Tableau and MicroStrategy, so I use Tableau for personal purposes more than enterprise. I like the light version of Tableau for personal usage and doing some use cases on my own. When it comes to something small, I use Tableau for setups, rather than any other tool. 

What needs improvement?

I think Tableau could be improved with cheaper or more flexible licensing, though this is a generic improvement and applies for any product. It would be better if they had more flexible payment and licensing plans so that they could suit small- and mid-sized organizations. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Tableau since 2016. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't had any issues with stability. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Theoretically, Tableau is scalable, but I haven't tried to scale it yet. 

How are customer service and support?

I have never contacted technical support. 

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I shuffle between available tools—I also use MicroStrategy, Microsoft Power BI, and Qlik. 

Before using Tableau, I used Oracle BI, Oracle ODI, and Teradata. 

How was the initial setup?

The installation was an easy process, and I've done it myself twice. I'm a technical guy, so I didn't need a technical team to help with deployment, I did it on my own. 

What about the implementation team?

I implemented this solution myself. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We pay for the enterprise license for Tableau. The licensing could be cheaper and more flexible. 

What other advice do I have?

I rate Tableau an eight out of ten. I recommend Tableau, and I even recommend it here in my organization. Their plan was to replace it with Qlik, but I did an assessment and advised them not to pay extra costs for other tools when Tableau was already in place in our organization. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
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Updated: May 2024
Buyer's Guide
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