Stan Kapica - PeerSpot reviewer
Risk Analyst at a recreational facilities/services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
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Top 20
Helps free up SOC staff to work on other projects, detect threats and protect our assets
Pros and Cons
  • "Our previous product took a lot of man hours to manage. Once we got Singularity Cloud Workload Security, it freed up our time to work on other tasks."
  • "It would be really helpful if the solution improves its agent deployment process."

How has it helped my organization?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security gave us the visibility we needed and freed up time to do other tasks. It narrows down the false positives that we got with the previous solution.

What is most valuable?

We use Singularity Cloud Workload Security to detect threats and protect our assets. We look at the threats that come in and whether they're being blocked. We use Singularity Cloud Workload Security as an anti-malware threat management product.

Our previous product took a lot of man hours to manage. Once we got Singularity Cloud Workload Security, it freed up our time to work on other tasks.

What needs improvement?

We had a couple of issues with the solution's deployment. We had to deploy the agent, and sometimes there were issues. It feels like we're battling a version of the software when we have to deploy an agent over another agent. It would be really helpful if the solution improves its agent deployment process.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Singularity Cloud Workload Security for over a year.

Buyer's Guide
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't heard from our team about any stability issues with Singularity Cloud Workload Security. Singularity Cloud Workload Security is more stable than our previous solution.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security handles anything we throw at it. The scalability is good.

How are customer service and support?

When we have an issue, an online engineer from their group helps us resolve it within an hour or two. I haven't heard anything negative about the solution's support from our team.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

I was involved in the selection and the proof of concept process. I wasn't on the call for the installation, but I overheard our two engineers involved in the solution's installation. The solution's deployment was pretty quick, and they installed it in one day.

What about the implementation team?

We implemented the solution with an in-house team.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security's licensing and price were cheaper than the other solutions we looked at. One product was a little bit cheaper, but its functionality and the overall product weren't as good as Singularity Cloud Workload Security. One of the vendors' prices was almost double what we would get thus far. Talking to their engineer and salesperson put our minds at ease when we got it. We knew they would be there for support, and they have been really good.

What other advice do I have?

I'd ask users to take a good look at Singularity Cloud Workload Security because it brings a lot of value to the table. For its price, the solution does a good job compared to some other solutions.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security’s automated remediation works great.

The solution’s real-time detection and response capabilities work great for us. It frees up time, unlike our previous solution, where we had a lot of false positives. 

It's granular, and you can take a deeper dive into something if you need to. You can analyze and get a verdict. It's easier to narrow it down and pinpoint it with more detail.

The solution helped reduce our organization’s mean time to detect. Singularity Cloud Workload Security is quicker than our previous solution. We are a small group of just five people, and we have to do instantaneous detection to stop things from coming in quickly. We like that part a lot.

The solution helped reduce our organization’s mean time to remediate. It lets us analyze an incident, report the status quicker, and escalate it quicker than our previous solution.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security helped free up SOC staff to work on other projects. It probably freed up 10 to 15 hours a week. Before, we spent a couple of hours a day sifting through events and trying to see if they were false positives. The solution freed up a lot of time.

We have seen an impact on our organization's productivity using Singularity Cloud Workload Security. With the freed-up time, we're able to do a lot of other work. We use other products and look at phishing emails. It frees up our time to study more than we did in the past.

I would have users look at their visibility across their environment. The solution's quick response to threats, ability to act on them, automated incident response, and forensic investigation capabilities are really good. The solution provides you with 24/7 threat monitoring detection.

We work eight hours a day when we have someone on call. It's nice to know someone else is also looking at our events. They're there to dive in with us when we need them to help increase our team. Even though they're not on our team, they're there to help us.

Overall, I rate Singularity Cloud Workload Security a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Ashish_Mishra - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior Software Engineer at a consultancy with 51-200 employees
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Top 20
Offers a great dashboard and good UI
Pros and Cons
  • "The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best features."
  • "The alerting system of the product is an area that I look at and sometimes get confused about. I feel the alerting feature needs improvement."

What is our primary use case?

My company is trying to get an ISO certification by the second quarter of 2024, so we have been resolving certain security issues for the past year.

I use the solution in my company, where we have alerts coming from PingSafe, especially if any security threats are there. Our company's primary concern in using the tool is to get the ISO certification. My company wants to get our infrastructure to meet ISO standards so that there won't be any issues while getting ISO certification.

How has it helped my organization?

With the product in my organization, I feel that we are more secure now, and our services have become better. My company gets to know if we are doing something right or wrong based on the scans that PingSafe deploys. My company doesn't have to care much about security because PingSafe takes care of it for us. My company also knows what all the best practices are there for each resource, which gives us a boundary of what we can do.

What is most valuable?

Most of the time, I have looked at the tool's dashboard to keep an eye on how much of my company is compliant regarding certain areas since we are eyeing ISO 22000 and ISO 22001. I just love the tool's dashboard, though I have not used it in depth. I like the dashboard mainly, and I know that all sections of ISO certification have been completed. I have not used the tool that much, but under that dashboard itself if I just click on the certification part, which states that 93 percent has been completed, it will show me the subcategories of what all things are still pending or how much percentage of it is still pending, and how many areas are yet to be resolved in relation to some of the resources. The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best features.

What needs improvement?

When I joined my organization, I saw that PingSafe was already implemented. I started to use the tool's alerting features and dashboard functionalities. Considering how much I used the product, I don't see any areas in it where improvements are required since everything seems fine.

Sometimes, there are alerts that don't have proper messaging attached. The tool can improve the alerting notifications. In PingSafe, the alerts also show the affected resource that has a particular issue, but sometimes, the account shows as not applicable, and it isn't very helpful since you need to know the account the tool aims to point out.

The alerting system of the product is an area that I look at and sometimes get confused about. I feel the alerting feature needs improvement.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using PingSafe for more than a year. My company is a customer of the solution.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

My company has not experienced bugs, downtime, or any other issues in the product.

Stability-wise, I rate the solution an 8 out of 10.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is a scalable solution. Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a 7 out of 10.

My company's tech team consists of twelve people and around ten to twelve people use the product.

How are customer service and support?

I rate the technical support an 8-9 out of 10.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The solution is deployed using the cloud services offered by AWS.

What other advice do I have?

PingSafe regularly sends us messages on Slack for cloud security monitoring if it finds a certain security threat. If the area revolving around the security threat is something my company wants to look into, we just quickly check the product to see if there is a quick fix, and if there are no solutions, then we find a way to deal with it. A person from our company's team regularly tries to fix all the issues raised by PingSafe so that it is ISO compatible, and right now, my company is close to achieving it.

Speaking about the issues my company was trying to resolve by implementing PingSafe in our environment, I would say that whatever issues the tool has raised till now are related to certain policies that we might not have implemented in our IAM. There should only be certain roles that can access certain resources. The aforementioned area consists of the types of issues my company is currently trying to resolve so that we stay up to the mark. In my company, we don't have any regular threats that come up, but they are mainly used in regard to policies.

Considering how much I have used it to date, I can say that it is an easy-to-use product. However, I have not used the product in-depth, so I can't comment much about it.

If I assess the evidence-based reporting for helping prioritize and solve important cloud security issues, I would say that the concerns raised by the product are valid ones, and it is important to deal with them. Though I am not sure what the question entails, I feel that the issues raised by the product are proper, and they should be resolved before actually implementing its features.

I think it is very important for the solution to include proof of exploitability in evidence-based reporting. You have to know what things might go wrong if an issue is not resolved, and it makes it easier for us to assess key issues and to decide which areas should be taken into priority, considering what potential issues might crop up in the long run or short term. In general, PingSafe is a quite helpful tool.

The most valuable feature of the tool in terms of real-time threat detection stems from the alerts my company receives via Slack. I think the alert feature is something I have majorly looked into, but I haven't explored many of PingSafe's features.

Whether the compliance monitoring capabilities of the tool have benefited our organization or not is something that we will get to know soon via its results in the next two or three months. My company is very close to getting ISO certification with PingSafe's help. I think if it gave our company a demo compliance feature, it could be helpful.

The product's UI is good if I speak about the impact of its ease of use on security operations. The UI is very easy to navigate. Basically, I was able to navigate through the tool's dashboard. Overall, the tool's UI structure looks good.

My company has rarely had to deal with an incident involving a false positive with PingSafe in place, and I believe that it happened at the end of the previous year. After that, my company didn't need to deal with any false positives. With PingSafe, the chances of seeing a false positive are rare.

In terms of risk posture, after going through the recommendations provided by PingSafe during the implementation phase, I feel that my solution has helped my company get better and more secure because now we are less vulnerable to attacks. Overall, I think that the product is good for improving an organization's risk posture. In my company, we don't have any doubts about using the product since everything feels right with it.

The tool has reduced the mean time to detect risks since, with the use of the tool, it has become faster as it is now done automatically. In my company, I operate in a very small team where we don't have a specific person or department giving us insights about a particular tool. The tool has reduced the mean time to detect risks by more than 50 percent. My company never scanned our own infrastructure until PingSafe did. Until my company had it in mind that we wanted to get an ISO certification, we never scanned our infrastructure.

The mean time required to remediate is an area that has improved a lot. My company has never tried to resolve any issues since we have never detected any problems. The mean time to remediate has improved by more than 50 percent.

The product can make the collaboration between cloud security application developers and AppSec teams better. In my company, we only have one team, and we don't have a few departments.

The product has helped my company save a lot of engineering time because we don't have to put up physical resources to do many things, as they are managed automatically. In my company, we just have to employ one engineer to resolve everything. My company doesn't actually have to spend time detecting issues and then solving them as the tool solves them for us.

I have not integrated the tool with the existing solutions in my company's infrastructure or workflows. I use it as a standalone product in my company.

The product is used in just one location.

I don't think that the product requires any maintenance. I don't think that my company does any maintenance for PingSafe.

I recommend the product to those who plan to use it. I think the tool has a very good alerting system. The tool also gives a proper description of resources and alerts. I think that the tool is very good for meeting the certification compliance requirements.

I rate the overall tool a 9 out of 10.

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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Buyer's Guide
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Shashank N. - PeerSpot reviewer
Cloud Security Engineer at Razorpay
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Top 10
Our compliance score went up from 70 percent to more than 95 percent
Pros and Cons
  • "PingSafe released a new security graph tool that helps us identify the root issue. Other tools give you a pass/fail type of profile on all misconfigurations, and those will run into the thousands. PingSafe's graphing algorithm connects various components together and tries to identify what is severe and what is not. It can correlate various vulnerabilities and datasets to test them on the back end to pinpoint the real issue."
  • "I want PingSafe to integrate additional third-party resources. For example, PingSafe is compatible with Azure and AWS, but Azure AD isn't integrated with AWS. If PingSafe had that ability, it would enrich the data because how users interact with our AWS environment is crucial. All the identity-related features require improvement."

What is our primary use case?

We use PingSafe as a cloud security posture management tool. PingSafe is integrated with our GCP, Azure, and AWS accounts. It will identify all the misconfigurations and security issues on all these cloud platforms and alert us. In addition to the CSPM capabilities, PingSafe has several other features like vulnerability management, container security, Kubernetes security posture management, and secret scanning

All of these features are bundled inside PingSafe. It combines all the telemetry from the cloud, containers, and the Kubernetes platform. The vulnerability scanners are connected to the registries and give us a holistic picture of what else is vulnerable versus all the dummy data others would give.

How has it helped my organization?

Before PingSafe, we didn't have visibility into the security aspects of our cloud environment. PingSafe allows us to see all the misconfigurations and security vulnerabilities. Certain native tools from AWS are quite expensive and not as reliable, but PingSafe fixes that issue. Also, for highly regulated companies, having a cloud security posture management tool is a hard requirement.

Regarding risk posture, there are two kinds of risk: perceived and actual. PingSafe has helped us reduce the actual risk. Our compliance score went up from 70 percent to more than 95 percent now.

We realized PingSafe's benefits maybe 1 or 2 months after the deployment. We integrated the regional module, and the extra features were there. About 6 months in, we really scaled it up. 

PingSafe has helped reduce the number of false positives we deal with. They've been highly proactive. We have a Slack channel with their support team. We tell them the false positive you're seeing, and they get on a call with you in 30 minutes to solve that issue. 

The detection time is immediate. It finds vulnerabilities almost instantly, so the detection time has decreased considerably. In terms of remediation, it depends on how we are doing it. The remediation time has gone down, but not to the extent that we need it to. 

PingSafe has improved cooperation between the DevOps and security teams by helping identify critical issues that must be prioritized instead of just going through and fixing each one. 

What is most valuable?

PingSafe released a new security graph tool that helps us identify the root issue. Other tools give you a pass/fail type of profile on all misconfigurations, and those will run into the thousands. PingSafe's graphing algorithm connects various components together and tries to identify what is severe and what is not. It can correlate various vulnerabilities and datasets to test them on the back end to pinpoint the real issue.  

For example, let's say you have a vulnerability in a public instance of AWS EC2, and there's a relationship between that instance and the Kubernetes platform. From there, Kubernetes is connected to a container with a misconfiguration or vulnerability. That attack path is the root cause of the issue in your environment. It doesn't simply tell you whether something is public. That is a feature AWS provides natively. Native AWS tools provide us binary results about whether the instance is open, but PingSafe can break down the data to identify the core issues. 

PingSafe is one of the easiest platforms to use. It's super intuitive. I have used CSPM tools in the past like CrowdStrike. This is much easier. With one click, you can deploy it in an hour. It automatically picks up a lot of the telemetry on its own. You don't need extra configuration steps because the scripts are all there. We can launch the cloud automation templates, and PingSafe just directly deploys.

Agentless scanning is convenient for us. It will automatically copy the registry details from AWS, Azure, or GCP without any additional configuration before. If you have registries saved outside of your cloud environment, you can input the client key and secret file, and PingSafe will integrate and scan it automatically. You don't need to deploy the agent because it does it on the back end. The best part is that they take this element and bring the cloud security posture management along with it. It will integrate the vulnerability scan into the containers, Kubernetes platform, and the entire cloud platform.

The offensive security engine isn't PingSafe's standout feature, but it's an add-on that gives you insight into vulnerabilities in your cloud environment and how attackers can exploit them. 

We have integrated PingSafe's infrastructure-as-code features into our GitHub platform, enabling us to scan all the TerraForm and Kubernetes YAML code for vulnerabilities. That is a nice feature that allows you to detect issues in your code before it is deployed. It's inside the pipeline. It will scan the code and block the deployment if it doesn't meet preset criteria.

What needs improvement?

I want PingSafe to integrate additional third-party resources. For example, PingSafe is compatible with Azure and AWS, but Azure AD isn't integrated with AWS. If PingSafe had that ability, it would enrich the data because how users interact with our AWS environment is crucial. All the identity-related features require improvement.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have used PingSafe for a year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I have not experienced any instability, yet. PingSafe is pretty solid. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

PingSafe is scalable if you have the licenses. 

How are customer service and support?

I rate PingSafe support 8 out of 10. From the deployment until December of last year, PingSafe's support was stellar and proactive. The support hasn't been as good since PingSafe was acquired by another company. It's similar to what I've seen with other acquisitions. When it was a startup, you got more personalized support. You could even get the CTO to get on the call with you, which was nice. They have room to improve, but maybe they are undergoing a transition period after the acquisition. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used a different solution, but the correlation wasn't as good, and it was expensive. 

How was the initial setup?

Deploying PingSafe is effortless because it's a cloud-based platform. It's pretty intuitive, and we had lots of support from PingSafe. If we had issues, we just got them on a call, and they fixed them. PingSafe requires no maintenance on our end after deployment. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

PingSafe is cost-effective for the amount of infrastructure we have. It's reasonable for what they offer compared to our previous solution. It's at least 25 percent to 30 percent less. 

What other advice do I have?

I rate PingSafe 9 out of 10. I recommend that new users onboard as many features as possible. Don't just stick to the cloud security part. Integrate the cloud security with your containers and GitHub or Bitbucket repositories. Perform all the integrations whether you need them or not, and it will take care of everything on the back end for you.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
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Sandeep Raghuwanshi - PeerSpot reviewer
DevOps Lead at Razorpay
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Top 10
It's easy to onboard new accounts and get started quickly
Pros and Cons
  • "With PingSafe, it's easy to onboard new accounts."
  • "The resolution suggestions could be better, and the compliance features could be more customizable for Indian regulations. Overall, the compliance aspects are good. It gives us a comprehensive list, and its feedback is enough to bring us into compliance with regulations, but it doesn't give us the specific objects."

What is our primary use case?

We use PingSafe as a cloud-native application protection platform. It scans all our accounts to identify any loopholes or vulnerabilities. We get the results and recommended resolutions. It provides reports with all the minute details. For example, it might tell us there is an admin user with access that might increase the risk. PingSafe gives a comprehensive overview of anything about our cloud posture. 

We scan an Azure or AWS account, and PingSafe tells us the particular route an attacker might take and the risks. We use it extensively because it provides information on everything that could lead to a disaster. We're scanning 20 to 25 database accounts, with no more than 20 users.

How has it helped my organization?

PingSafe helped us close the loopholes in most of the services, improve our cloud security posture, and lock down who has access. The solution's reporting helps with auditing and compliance. When we started, our posture rating was around 77 percent. It's now at around 98 percent after we closed the loopholes.

The false positive rate is low. It's accurate 99 percent of the time. If we are doing a continuous scan, we sometimes get false positives, and we used to get much more in the early days of our deployment, but now it's quite effective and efficient.

PingSafe has reduced detection and remediation time by 10 to 20 percent. It has also improved collaboration among our security and application teams. We now get reports every 10 days, which has improved our teams' productivity because they don't need to go back and forth. It has made the DevOps and security teams' work about 20 to 30 percent more efficient. 

What is most valuable?

With PingSafe, it's easy to onboard new accounts. When there's a major acquisition, we have dozens of new accounts that we need to onboard quickly. It's very easy to use. The proof of exploitability is critical because we must present the results to a developer. Without evidence, they won't understand the problem.

What needs improvement?

The resolution suggestions could be better, and the compliance features could be more customizable for Indian regulations. Overall, the compliance aspects are good. It gives us a comprehensive list, and its feedback is enough to bring us into compliance with regulations, but it doesn't give us the specific objects. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have used PingSafe for nearly 2 years. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I rate PingSafe 9 out of 10 for scalability. 

How was the initial setup?

Deploying is straightforward and only takes a couple of days. One person did the initial setup, and whoever needs to use it can access it through the portal. It doesn't require any maintenance. 

What was our ROI?

We've seen a return in the form of time saved. It gives us timely reports, and time is money. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

In some markets, PingSafe is a little on the higher side, but it's just right for us. It's a good value for the money.

What other advice do I have?

I rate PingSafe 9 out of 10 and would recommend it to others. It's easy to use. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Sushovan Nandan - PeerSpot reviewer
Sr Manager DevSecOps at Bidgely
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Is user-friendly, reduces mitigation time, and improves our security posture
Pros and Cons
  • "PingSafe offers comprehensive security posture management."
  • "There is room for improvement in the current active licensing model for PingSafe."

What is our primary use case?

We utilize PingSafe for Cloud Security Posture Management and real-time cloud configuration monitoring. PingSafe identifies vulnerabilities at the resource level and generates reports. It also includes defense modules that investigate potential exposure of secrets in public or private repositories. Additionally, the scanning module can identify vulnerabilities and analyze how they correspond to and impact other modules.

We chose PingSafe as our cloud security solution for its ability to identify misconfigurations, both intentional and unintentional, within our infrastructure. Additionally, PingSafe generates reports that facilitate security compliance audits and help us identify inactive user accounts. It further integrates with our Jira instance, allowing for seamless data visualization on our security dashboard.

How has it helped my organization?

PingSafe is user-friendly. The portal is well-designed and intuitive. PingSafe boasts excellent customer engagement. They keep us informed with monthly updates on new features and upcoming releases, providing opportunities for learning and raising any challenges we encounter. Their approach is both proactive and professional.

It's evidence-based reporting system prioritizes and assigns reported issues to the appropriate teams based on their severity. This ensures that critical issues are addressed first. Reports are initially delivered to our CTO and then disseminated to the relevant teams for action.

Our agentless vulnerability scanner helps us discover vulnerabilities across our cloud infrastructure by analyzing cloud logs and log flows. It then provides detailed information and guidance on the identified vulnerabilities.

We find the offensive security engine that verifies actual exploit paths and prioritizes breach potentials to be very useful.

Using PingSafe streamlines our cloud configuration validation process. We no longer need to spend excessive time and effort planning or using other tools to ensure our configurations meet industry standards. This reduces the training burden on our team, keeping them current with security best practices. Additionally, PingSafe acts as a safety net, providing peace of mind and increased confidence when deploying updates, rolling out new policies, or making any security-related cloud configuration changes. Our experience and trust in PingSafe are well-founded. Their support has consistently addressed any concerns we've raised throughout the year. This report demonstrates the value of maintaining a compliance center, and PingSafe plays a critical role in making that possible.

PingSafe has been instrumental in reducing false positives during login deployments. For example, when our server load balancer or cluster switches between servers. During this brief window of usually just a few seconds, the DNS isn't mapped to any background resources because it's being transferred from the old load balancer to the new one. While this is a minor, expected occurrence, it was previously flagged as a critical issue. Resolving these false positives took several hours. While PingSafe likely detects these discrepancies in real time, it validates and corrects them based on a specific schedule. This delay in resolving the alerts prompted us to report the issue and request suppression of these expected findings. Highlighting this problem helped draw the attention of our executives and senior management.

PingSafe has significantly improved our security posture. In the past, developers occasionally exposed credentials to the public unintentionally. PingSafe effectively detects and reports these incidents to senior management, allowing us to address them promptly. Additionally, during infrastructure testing, security gateway code might be unintentionally exposed. However, PingSafe helps us swiftly identify and mitigate these issues before any damage occurs.

Thanks to PingSafe, we've significantly reduced our mean time to detection. It delivers the critical data we need, eliminating the need for dedicated full-time staff.

PingSafe has helped us improve our mean time to remediation. Now, we can get prompt support from their team, allowing us to work together to mitigate issues quickly.

PingSafe has improved collaboration between our cloud security team, application developers, and AppSec teams. Notably, secret configuration detection allows us to collaborate effectively with developers to swiftly resolve any emerging issues. Our DevOps team handles cloud security, and all teams are satisfied with PingSafe's implementation. They actively participate in monthly meetings.

The collaboration has freed up some of our engineers' time. Once we enabled the module and it began identifying issues, engineers were able to plan their work more effectively. The analytical dashboard also helps them manage tasks efficiently, eliminating the need to hire additional staff.

What is most valuable?

PingSafe offers comprehensive security posture management. Its success stems from its ability to analyze DNS mappings. While we may have access to the DNS record itself, the underlying infrastructure associated with that domain might be decommissioned. This creates a potential risk, as the domain could be remapped to a malicious website, leading to data breaches or credential theft. However, PingSafe proactively detects and alerts us to such accidental exposures of sensitive information, including SaaS credentials. These are some of PingSafe's most valuable features.

What needs improvement?

There is room for improvement in the current active licensing model for PingSafe. As both a customer and service provider, I believe a more comprehensive package could be developed that would be mutually beneficial.

I recommend including endpoint monitoring functionality in a future release of PingSafe. While we currently scan our endpoints manually through an external vendor, integrating this capability within PingSafe would offer significant advantages. Additionally having real-time detection of malicious activity in our network would be beneficial. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using PingSafe for 2.5 years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

PingSafe is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

PingSafe is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is responsive and they stay in contact with us.

How would you rate customer service and support?


What was our ROI?

As an energy company, PingSafe helps us ensure compliance across our many providers, which is essential for our business expansion.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing for PingSafe in India was more reasonable than other competitors.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate PingSafe eight out of ten.

We have 15 people in our organization that use it. PingSafe is responsible for the maintenance.

It is a sophisticated and fast-growing product with great services. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Cloud Security Specialist at a insurance company with 10,001+ employees
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Top 20
Is easy to deploy, helps reduce our mean time to detect, and actively identifies threats
Pros and Cons
  • "Cloud Native Security offers a valuable tool called an offensive search engine."
  • "With Cloud Native Security, we can't selectively enable or disable alerts based on our specific use case."

What is our primary use case?

We currently use Cloud Native Security for cloud security posture management, leveraging both the CWP module and the authentication security tab. While we regularly utilize these features, we're planning to onboard the cloud detection and response module, along with the ISIS scanning functionality.

We implemented Cloud Native Security as a secondary control measure to complement our existing security posture. In our Prisma Cloud environment, we have a detection score threshold set at 70 or above. As Cloud Native Security was a new entrant in the market, we wanted to evaluate its capabilities. Fortunately, Cloud Native Security's unique features and policies proved valuable. For instance, Cloud Native Security detected an alert when a developer accidentally committed VS Code files to a public GitHub repository. This helped us promptly remove the VS code from GitHub.

How has it helped my organization?

Cloud Native Security is easy to use.

The feature that has been most effective in threat detection for our cloud environment has been the cloud visual attack tab.

Our cloud security is managed by Intel and Azure Entra. We download a report from them and send it to our team to address any identified issues.

I appreciate that Cloud Native Security incorporates evidence of exploitability into their reports, making them more reliable.

Cloud Native Security's offensive security engine excels at validating potential exploit paths and prioritizing the most critical vulnerabilities. This enables us to proactively identify and address these risks, ultimately strengthening our security posture.

Cloud Native Security has helped reduce our false positives. We can investigate and mute any false positives so they don't appear going forward.

Cloud Native Security helps us actively identify threats, ultimately improving our security posture.

Cloud Native Security has reduced our mean time to detect by 10 percent.

Cloud Native Security facilitates collaboration between our cloud security application developers and AppSec teams. This collaboration is further enhanced by a shared console that provides visibility into all active tickets. This transparency helps to reduce redundant requests, saving time.

What is most valuable?

Cloud Native Security offers a valuable tool called an offensive search engine. This tool has been helpful for us. It allows us to search for vulnerabilities and provides evidence directly on the screen. Additionally, Cloud Native Security offers a feature called Graph Explorer. This feature allows us to drill down into specific resources, search for them on the console, and view details such as open security rules and graph features.

What needs improvement?

While only 5 percent of our workload resides on the Google Cloud Platform, we would still like Cloud Native Security to be configured with automatic remediation capabilities for GCP.

In Prisma, there's a dedicated tab for managing high and medium-severity alerts. This allows us to easily enable or disable specific policies based on our current needs. With Cloud Native Security, we can't selectively enable or disable alerts based on our specific use case.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Cloud Native Security for six months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate the stability of Cloud Native Security 7 out of 10.

The only downtime we had was when switching from V1 to V2 but it was smooth.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I would rate the scalability of Cloud Native Security 8 out of 10.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is good.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

For the past three years, Prisma Cloud has been our go-to security solution. Recently, we've added Cloud Native Security to our toolkit to further strengthen our security posture.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment was straightforward. First, we onboarded the UAT account. Then, we added our product support account and other accounts. We then tested the UAT environment accounts. The entire deployment took one week to complete. Two people were involved in the deployment.   

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Cloud Native Security 9 out of 10.

Our primary cloud security monitoring solution is Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks, with Cloud Native Security as a secondary control measure.

We have 19 users overall in our cloud security team that utilize Cloud Native Security.

The only maintenance required is for updates.

I would recommend Cloud Native Security to others.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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William Mailhot - PeerSpot reviewer
Pre-sales Engineer at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
Is able to auto-scale and remediate, as well as save us time
Pros and Cons
  • "My favorite feature is Storyline."
  • "I would like additional integrations."

What is our primary use case?

We use Singularity Cloud Workload Security to protect all our servers from malware, both present and future. We also use it to protect our user endpoints, such as workstations and employee laptops.

We recently switched from Windows Defender to SentinelOne endpoint protection after a few of our laptops were infected with malware. SentinelOne has been protecting our laptops, endpoints, and servers for two years now, and it has performed well in internal and external audits.

We currently have a hybrid Active Directory environment. SentinelOne itself is a SaaS-based product, so it is fully cloud-based. However, we need to install agents on all of our endpoints and cloud services.

How has it helped my organization?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security has real-time threat detection capabilities. We have tested it with multiple clients and ourselves, and it has detected malware every time we have been attacked. Compared to other major security vendors, Singularity Cloud Workload Security had the best detection rates for all the malware we threw at it during our proof of concept.

Automated remediation is policy-based, which makes it very useful. The SentinelOne platform gathers all information about how the threat played out and all the changes that were affected on our system. Using this information makes it very easy to remediate all the damage because we know what happened. Automated remediation is amazing and a key differentiator from other competitors.

For Linux kernels, the agent supports almost all platforms, including legacy Windows, macOS, and Linux. We have a few Linux servers, and the mitigation and all the other features work just as well as on the other operating systems.

Using the Deep Visibility Console, we can thoroughly investigate everything that was called or changed on a computer. This gives us visibility into virtually everything that happens on all of our endpoints at all times, in real-time. This has allowed us to find threats that other vendors would have missed. We can also use the Deep Visibility Console to perform threat hunting. For example, if a threat has been moving around our network, we can track it down to see exactly where it is moving to and how it is working.

The historical data record provided by Singularity Cloud Workload Security after an attack is good. For data retention in terms of threats, we have a one-year retention period. This is a long time, and it is very useful for our insurance policies, as we often need to comply with them. For compliance purposes, the one-year retention period is perfect for us. For visibility logs, for example, we are ingesting some logs, and I believe the retention rate is actually fourteen days.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security has reduced our MTTD. Previously, with Defender, it would sometimes fail to detect threats. Now, we detect and remediate many more threats automatically, almost instantaneously. For example, if we download a malware file, we usually cannot even open it because Singularity Cloud Workload Security detects it automatically with a super-fast response time.

Our MTTR is automatic. As soon as a threat is detected, remediation is performed automatically, according to our policy. We can even generate a report of the remediation and all affected files. This allows us to see everything and ensures that remediation is performed quickly.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security has freed up our SOC staff's time to work on other projects. Before, we were considering hiring a 24/7 SOC team, but with SentinelOne's vigilance package, they take care of almost everything for us. We no longer need an employee to monitor logs and threats 24/7.

Since we are freeing up some time from the operations side, our IT administrators and security personnel do not have to constantly monitor the console to see what is happening. Because we trust the product to take care of malware for us, our productivity has definitely increased. We only check the logs once a week.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security works well with other vendors, so we can even have two EDR solutions if we want to. The exclusions can be done through the console, which is very easy to use. It gives us a list of all the applications that we have installed on all our systems and makes it easy to create different types of exclusions. For example, we can create exclusions for performance reasons or to suppress alerts. There are a lot of options, and they are all very easy to use.

What is most valuable?

My favorite feature is Storyline. It creates a neat graph that shows us how any threat played out, in real time. We can see all the information about what was modified or changed on our system, such as files that were modified, created, or deleted, and register keys that were created or edited. For a SOC analyst, this information is super useful. We can deep dive into all the information and see exactly what happened on each computer individually.

The second feature is actually part of the SDR platform, and it provides native integrations with other security software vendors, such as Okta or Azure AD. This allows us to ingest all of our audit logs for security events and to take action on them. For example, we can set up an automation alert so that if a threat is detected on an endpoint, we can automatically take action on our Okta or AD environment, such as locking the account that was signed in or forcing a password reset.

What needs improvement?

I know that SentinelOne is working on additional integrations for their XDR platform, and I would definitely prefer more integrations. I understand that many more integrations are coming soon but by the end of the year. I would like additional integrations. Currently, we have integrations with Azure AD, Okta, Mimecast, and Netscope. Many of our clients and we also use firewalls from Cisco, Juniper, and so on. It would be helpful to be able to retrieve audit logs or actionable items from these firewalls.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Singularity Cloud Workload Security for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security is stable, and we have not experienced any downtime. 

The stability of Singularity Cloud Workload Security is similar to that of Microsoft Defender.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Singularity Cloud Workload Security is infinitely scalable, with a multi-tenancy feature that allows us to have multiple sites, such as physical sites. For example, if we have two locations, we can easily create admins who have access to only one site or to all sites. It scales really well, regardless of our environment.

The auto-scaling feature is user-friendly. As we install more endpoints, they will simply show up in the console, allowing us to create our own physical sites with their own admins and different policies.

How are customer service and support?

My interaction with technical support was pleasant. They gave me a few tips on how to integrate the new system. They also sent me some documentation, which was already available to me, but they saved me the time of searching for it. They even offered to schedule a team call to discuss the integration and have a team member help us directly. The only downside is that the entire interaction was text-based, so it could be difficult to get a definitive answer to some questions.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used Microsoft Defender, but some of our laptops were infected with malware anyway. Because of this, we had to redeploy all of our laptops. We therefore concluded that the solution was not working as well as it should in terms of detection and response so we switched to Singularity Cloud Workload Security.

How was the initial setup?

Deployment was straightforward. The agent is simple to deploy, and we only need to deploy it to all of our endpoints. It is a simple installation that requires our site token. We can deploy it through group policies, Intune, or any mass deployment software. I completed the deployment myself.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated CrowdStrike, Carbon Black, and Bitdefender, and found that Singularity Cloud Workload Security had a much better remediation process. This is because Singularity Cloud Workload Security uses AI-powered detection and remediation, instead of relying on human analysts. This means that threats can be detected and remediated much faster than with traditional security solutions. Another factor that influenced our decision was pricing. SentinelOne is not too expensive compared to other providers, and it offers a wide range of integrations with other security products.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Singularity Cloud Workload Security nine out of ten.

Maintenance is minimal, requiring only occasional updates. When a major update is available, we receive an email notification. We then accept and deploy the update to all eligible endpoints through the console.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security is very easy to deploy and has one of the best detection rates among vendors. It has a very user-friendly UI that provides a high-level overview of current threats and system status, as well as the ability to drill down into analytics and threat indicators using the visibility console. It is so user-friendly that anyone can use it, regardless of their expertise level. However, for more experienced users, there is also the option to dig deeper into the data.

Singularity Cloud Workload Security helps us spend less time on threats and more time on our core competency, which is consulting work. This definitely improves our productivity and innovation.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
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IT Support Specialist at a non-tech company with 201-500 employees
Real User
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud
Pros and Cons
  • "The real-time detection and response capabilities overall are great."
  • "Currently, we would have to export our vulnerability report to an .xlsx file, and review it in an Excel spreadsheet, and then we sort of compile a list from there. It would be cool if there was a way to actually toggle multiple applications for review and then see those file paths on multiple users rather than only one user at a time or only one application at a time."

What is our primary use case?

We are a relatively smaller organization of roughly 250 people. We utilize SentinelOne for patch management, vulnerability assessments, and remediation. So whenever one of our users has an issue on their machine, we get an immediate notification to let us know what that intrusion, infection, malware, whatever it might be, where it is, what file may have caused it, and then we can immediately take action. 

There are also default settings for ensuring the software that SentinelOne installs on all our client machines. The latest agent is up to date everywhere. They have a couple more insights, however, that's our main use case.

The big thing for us was just having optics on vulnerabilities, being able to ensure that we have a secure way to get month-over-month assessments of our security stats, and ensuring that there's something in place that can make sure that we're secure. We also wanted something that could keep up with current demands without having any sort of interference or impact on the user's end.

How has it helped my organization?

The biggest thing for us is the level of minimal intrusion on our user's experience. The previous EDR we were using, Sophos, was not ideal. Whenever an update came out, there would be different things that were affected. At one point, an update from Sophos had completely disabled public Wi-Fi for our users. And when dealing through their message boards, dealing with their support, they, unfortunately, did not have a resolution other than disabling security elements of their software. With SentinelOne, we have not seen a single instance of that. You can get down to the user level of tweaking different elements of their security system. You can even quickly add exclusions based on rules. Being able to tailor to our users and making sure that our users don't feel like something is running on their machine is the biggest advantage.

What is most valuable?

The remote shell and the remediation are the two that really stand out as valuable features. The remote shell function that it offers is something that I use almost daily. It allows us to quietly and discreetly sign in on a user's computer, but only as admin. It prevents any sort of security issues or security risks to a user, which would be probably our favorite. 

The remediation is really nice as it gives a very clear understanding of where a file came from. For example, in our use of it, there are a couple of files that we had that we didn't even know that we had. There was software that no one was aware was installed on these machines more than three years ago; we actually learned about that software once SentinelOne was installed. The level of optics it gives you is just incredible.

With that software, as soon as we installed SentinelOne, there were a couple of different applications and software that were immediately flagged as tracking user information and things like that. We found out that there was actually some sort of remote surveillance software that the past iteration of the IT team had installed and tested that just never got removed. We ended up tracking down the vendor for that and getting their assurance that that was no longer being used.

The real-time detection and response capabilities overall are great. I've never used anything that was as fast as this. The software that we used to use, Sophos, was comparable, however, it had a noticeable impact on the user. The bigger thing for me is that there isn't an impact on my end users. When we are actually running a scan, let's say, if we find that there's an impact, it's very quick. We've tested it by throwing malicious software onto our test machines just to see how quickly SentinelOne actually picks it up. And it's literally within seconds. When you actually do a scan, you can scan your higher fleet, and it's done relatively quickly as long as those machines are powered on. And it will act the second that those machines power on and connect to the Internet again to get that signal.  I've never used anything as quick, personally. 

The forensic visibility into the Linux terminal is not something we use as we actually don't use any Linux machines ourselves, so I couldn't speak to that. As far as visibility goes, we're primarily a Mac organization, and we have ten percent of our users on PC. As far as Mac goes, the visibility is fantastic. Same with the PC side of things. 

The historical data record, from what they had shown us in the demo, looks pretty incredible. We thankfully have not suffered an attack that required historical data. 

In terms of our mean time to detect, I don't think we ever had it. Since we're a small organization, we haven't had any real issues with genuine malware attacks. I can't speak to a scenario where while we were on Sophos, we experienced one. When we've had security audits that have tried to pen test for us, we have not had any issues with SentinelOne whatsoever. Every time that we've attempted to see how accurate and how quickly it can detect an infection or intrusion, it's being caught immediately.

The same is true for mean time to remediate. Any remediation that we do, for example, as soon as we block off a file, the automatic remediations are nice. In the event that we want to have something behave differently on another machine, we can quickly change that once we see it in any incident log. Setting those permanent rules is very helpful since, if you know something's malicious, chances are you don't want it showing up anywhere else.

The product has helped free up your SOC staff to work on other projects or tasks. The work that we used to have to do with our previous provider in going through our vulnerability assessments on a monthly basis and in trying to track down the install path of different applications was a headache and a half. With SentinelOne, the application management, and vulnerability assessments, are easy. You can see directly to the file path. It cuts a significant enough time out of our day.

It's had a positive impact on our overall productivity. Being able to dig through and find applications faster has drastically cut down our vulnerability position. When we first started using Singularity, we were somewhere in the thousands. Within the first month of having used it for our vulnerability assessments, we were down to just 1600, and now we're sitting well under the 500 mark when it comes to critical vulnerabilities. It's been very drastic and exponential at that. Now, any time a vulnerability does pop up, it's very quick and easy for us to track down where it is and take immediate action.

The interoperability with third-party solutions is fine. We don't currently use Kubernetes in our organization, however, we do utilize a VPN and it has no issues with adapting to that VPN. We also utilize different storage, including cloud storage accounts. There are no issues there either.

They've been fantastic at supporting innovation. We've had their support; they're always very responsive and very quick to give us the right advice on how we can execute what we're looking to do. Making sure that you have access to the necessary system without interrupting your user and without your user feeling at risk of their privacy being invaded is huge.

What needs improvement?

Currently, we would have to export our vulnerability report to an .xlsx file, and review it in an Excel spreadsheet, and then we sort of compile a list from there. It would be cool if there was a way to actually toggle multiple applications for review and then see those file paths on multiple users rather than only one user at a time or only one application at a time.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for nine to ten months. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I've had no stability issues at all. We have not experienced any performance decreases.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

As far as deploying to more devices, there's not a problem with scaling at all. We've automated in our MDM so any device that we start in our MDM automatically installs SentinelOne, and those devices immediately show up. If we spin up a new device on Mac OS, it shows within the set the SentinelOne console within seconds.

How are customer service and support?

Their support has been fantastic. They are quick to respond. 

I've never had an issue with their support. What little time I did have one scenario where it was not something that they could help with, they'd been able to provide us with all the articles and information necessary to act on it on our own, which is really all you can ask for.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We were previously using Sophos. The biggest issue that we had with them was the fact that we were a fully remote company, so a lot of our users would be traveling for client meetings or even traveling abroad for client meetings. Reliance on a secure public WiFi solution is a very big deal for us. When it comes to users on a VPN, Sophos with MacOS's more recent updates would completely cut off Wi-Fi - which was very difficult for us to work around as a remote company. Thankfully, with multiple different tests in multiple different scenarios, we've never had that issue with SentinelOne. 

The other big thing is the capability to remove a device from the network. In the event that a significant intrusion or malware, malware, ransomware, whatever it might be, is detected the ability to just isolate that one user from internet access is huge. You would hope that that's how an EDR would behave instead of completely removing all internet no matter what.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was pretty straightforward. Our organization uses Kagi MDM. And in using that MDM solution, it was very easy for us to just quickly put together an automated installer and deploy it. 

We have multiple different groups of users, including PC and Mac. With the smaller percentage of PC users, we were able to just change the group ID in the installer, and that ensured that they were placed into the proper place for their groups. Being able to tweak and ensure that from the back end within the SentinelOne console, we could ensure that everything is set up the way we want it to be once that user gets that package installed, makes life a lot easier. You don't need to worry about signing on with a user and changing any of those settings. The installer package that they get is going to be everything that they need. Once that installs, that's it. It was very seamless. If anything, removing Sophos was the hardest part of the installation process.

We were able to deploy using a team of three people. Hypothetically, one person could do it alone as long as they are well versed in MDM.

As far as the application itself is concerned, there was no need for maintenance. You can control everything from the console. When there is a new agent to install you receive a notification when you log in to the management console. You can control when that update gets deployed to your organization. You can break it up into different groups within your organization. For ourselves, we always test on a smaller number of users. And then once we see stability, we deploy to the rest. That's what little maintenance is involved. It's a drastic improvement versus other solutions that I've used.

What about the implementation team?

We were able to do the initial setup completely in-house. We were able to do that on our own. We were able to very, very quickly deploy SentinelOne to pretty much our entire fleet.

What was our ROI?

Our ability to get in and review our vulnerability stance, whether daily, monthly, weekly, or whatever it might be, has drastically improved over our prior provider. Our users have less of a performance drain when attempting to use it. That's always huge when it comes to EDR. It pretty much checks every single box for us. It's the one software in our stack that we are happiest with.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

For us, the pricing is very fair. They were willing to meet our price point. With very little negotiation involved, we just let them know what we could pay and they were willing to meet us at slightly above what we paid with Sophos, which was still very fair for what we were looking at. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We reviewed quite a few solutions. The big selling point for this product was that they were willing to work with us on a price point as a smaller organization. That was a huge reason for us actually going with them. The fact that they were willing to work with us as far as the pricing goes was the main reason that we ended up going with them. It was nice to see that they work with the little teams.

What other advice do I have?

We're a customer and end-user.

We thought something as good as SentinelOne would be out of the question for an organization of our size. We assumed it would be something that's suited to larger organizations - money, obviously, being the main concern. However, the fact that they were willing to work with us changed that. Seeing that they're willing to work with smaller organizations is cool. I like that they actually give back to the tech sector that way.

I'd rate the stability ten out of ten.

I'd advise new users that they're going to need to invest a little bit of time upfront in order to make sure that their organization is set up for proper deployment. We probably spent about a week or two configuring everything and getting it to work the way we wanted. However, after that initial investment of time, the maintenance that you have to do is pretty minimal.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Buyer's Guide
Download our free SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: May 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.