
75 Points
8 Years

User Activity

Almost 9 years ago
I think that when you look for an ALM you should consider almost everything because it all matters since your complete work will be controlled by this ALM tool, but based on my humble experience maybe the following is the most 1. Easy to install and configure if your ALM…


Almost 9 years ago
Solution architect and technical owner of ComplyOne suite
ComplyOne is a suite of products that covers different areas like Auditing, Quality Management, Electronic Assessment, it is built using ASP.NET, REST WCF services, SQL Server 2014, HTML5 and jQuery

About me

Objectives always change just like the IT field is rapidly changing, but one objective is always running aside wherever i go; this objective is to work with a well known and regional company that works in the field of IT and has a strong and sharp vision of the future, i believe such company will make a perfect match with me.

Personal wise i believe that i have many good features that could qualify me always to get the right opportunity, some of these features that i love the challenge, never met a dead end, good team leader and player as well, open mind for new thoughts and inputs, and never underestimated a team member input.

Interesting Projects and Accomplishments