
55 Points
10 Years

User Activity

About 9 years ago
Three main factors: reliability, availability, efficiency and all features which lead us to that Enterprise solutions should have some enterprise features such as roaming, HA, policies, freq hopping, captive/guest portal, interference detection. Also wifi should be cost…
Over 10 years ago
Contributed a review of Cisco Ethernet Switches: Pro's and Con's of transitioning from Juniper to Cisco

About me

IT architecture and implementation for major companies.

Networking [Cisco, Extreme],

Enterprise security systems [eg. Vulnerability management, WAF, UTM]

Latest: Qualys, SIEM [q1radar, JSA], WAF, Pureview, Trend Micro Deep Security

Extreme Networks - Certified Expert ESE

ERP systems

SQL Databases
instalation, architecture, creating and mainenance MSSQL, postgreSQL, MySQL, Firebird
SQL queries, stored procedures

Many users enviroment security issues, IPS/IDS

Risk management

IT managing

Managing humans and project from the beggining to sucessfull end