it_user3768 - PeerSpot reviewer
Consultant at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Great alternative to Excel and Pivot Tables, but lacks ability to fine-tune appearance options

What is Spotfire'

Spotfire is a BI (business intelligence) tool that enables you to explore and represent “big data” sets. It’s one of a class of tools that focus on making it easy to explore masses of data without being a database ninja. It’s head-to-head with tools like Tableau and Qlikview. I’d previously been put off trying Spotfire partly because Tibco had a head-spinning number of industry-specific variants and I had no idea where to start. Thankfully they have simplified their product range to one product, with variants of funtionality based on how much you are prepared to pay. This is a review based on my personal experiences over the last few weeks of using Spotfire, so I’m not going to comprehensively review all the feature set, just those that I have used and found noteworthy. So is Spotfire the solution to your data analysis hassles'

User interface – what’s it like to drive'

Spotfire’s interface is a teeny bit introverted. It has a clean simple interface that really doesn’t let you know what delights lie within. Unlike a package like Tableau, which has plenty of “user interface bling”, much of the functionality is tucked away in property dialogs that you need to call up with a right mouse click. So you are presented with pretty plain interface. There’s a big button in the blank workspace that will take you to Spotfires introductory tutorial (well worth checking out, but pretty brief).

The first thing you see when Spotfire opens

Getting data into Spotfire

The first thing to do is to open the data you intend to analyse. For Excel data this is a doddle, just go to the little folder icon and open your spreadsheet.

You click the folder icon to connect to your data

You will be asked which tabs you want to import and which columns. Intuitive and simple…

Choosing which data you want to import from an Excel workbook

Opening data from a database is a little more convoluted (by necessity) requiring details of the database and of the SQL query you would like to run.

Analysing data

It can take a while to import the data into Spotfire (a couple of minutes for my query to a 15GB SQL database) but this may be more a function of my database server than Spotfire. It took about 35 seconds to open a 80MB, 800,000 (30 columns) row spreadsheet.

Once the data is imported you are ready to start analysing the data. Filters give you lots of flexibility about which data you include or exclude. You just select your chart (or table) type from the icons at the top and drag and drop your data into the chart. If you have used pivot tables it’s a similar routine. This is the bit that makes you go “wow”. The charts refresh almost instantly. You then fine-tune your analysis by telling it what type of aggregation you want (for example count, sum, median etc.) You do this by clicking the little arrow on the axis label.

With a few clicks the charts start to make sense

You can nest the axis, so have “months” with”day of month” nested within it. Because of the way Spotfire handles dates there is pretty much complete flexibility with how you structure time axes (it splits dates out in numerous ways, allowing you to mix-and-match those elements).

You can do just the same process with tables as well, or mix and match charts and tables with a “Graphical Table” that allows you to drop Sparklines or Bullet charts in cells next to the data – very nice.

Laying out charts and tables – working your dashboard magic

Once you have created your first chart, chances are you will create another. You have two options, either drop another on the same sheet – building a dashboard, or you create another “tab” with your new analysis on. If you put more than one chart on a tabbed page you can use the buttons on the toolbar to arrange them or just manually drag the border to resize the windows. You can add text or data windows onto the same page.

A simple Spotfire dashboard whipped up in a few mouse clicks

Filters – your new best friend – if you can work them out

Filters are really important in Spotfire. They enable you to choose which data you are going to show from a given column, allowing you to exclude certain data (just like filters in Excel, but a bit more elegant). Maybe I’m a bit stupid, but I was surprised that changing the filter on one page affected every other tab in the workbook. After a little Googling I discovered that filters don’t apply to just the page you set them on. You need to create a new filter and then apply it. This isn’t very intuitive as the “Show filtering scheme” option is turned off by default, you need to go into “Document properties” then select the “Filtering Scheme” tab to turn it on – not very obvious at all. Once you have worked this out, filters and simple and easy to use.

The pesky (and important) “Show filter scheme menu in Filters Panel” option

Calculated Columns – super handy feature for all your calculation needs

There’s almost certainly a lot more  functionality buried in Spotfire, but one feature I found myself using was “calculated columns”. Let’s say you have columns called “weight” and “height” and you wanted to have “Body mass index” (kg/(height squared)) you would go Insert>Calculated Column. You are presented with a page that enables you to build an expression based on available columns, available column properties and a list of possible functions.

The expression builder for adding a calculated column

When you are done building your expression you give your column a name before clicking “OK”. It’s simple enough that I didn’t need to look at the documentation once – perfect.

Visualisation of data – charts, graphs and other bling

I have simple tastes when it comes to representing data, rarely branching out past column, line and scatter plots. Spotfire has a good selection of ways of plotting data, including heatmaps, maps, treemaps and all the usual suspects. Here are a selection of examples….

A simple Spotfire heatmap

A Spotfire scatterplot

When appropriate, there are lost of options to vary marker size, colour and even shape based on data. It’s best not to get carried away with this but it can allow you to squeeze some vital extra data onto your visualizations.

A Spotfire treemap


With the exception of intially loading the data set, Spotfire pounded through the analysis I threw at it. One of the data sets was a 15GB SQL database, another was a 800k line Excel workbook. It returned the analysis almost instantly in both cases. Jaws dropped as my colleages (used to Excel) saw the speed and ease of cutting data. As one of my team said “That tool would completely have replaced my job at the last bank I worked at!”

There seems to be good forum support, most queries you have can be resolved with a couple of minutes Google research.

There are some real time-savers, like the ability to import and export corporate colour schemes. You can also drag and drop data, with clever – icon based – targets that let you determine how the dragged data is used, like this….

The clever icon tool bar makes dragging and dropping data into charts easy

It handles things like dates brilliantly, breaking them down into any combination of day, week, month, quarter, day of week. It’s a breath of fresh air and makes periodic analysis really simple.

It is wonderfully fast, at least on the data set I used.

Confused by

  • Things such as changing the order of data series can be a bit non-intuitive.
  • Filters can take a little figuring out, but are very straightforward once you understand how to set them up and switch between them.
  • Changing the colour scheme is also not very intuitive, but a huge time saver in a corporate environment once you have figured it out.
  • Refreshing data when a spreadsheet changes.


PowerPoint slide export has the potential for greatness but is let down by it’s execution. The exported slides are a bit of a mess, with both images and text a bit too large and badly laid out. You will end up having to hand tweak each slide. I guess Tibco expect users to serve up their dashboards over the corporate intranet but in reality most of my clients still function of the PowerPoint-Email distribution system. I didn’t have the opportunity to test it’s ability to serve up analysis as web pages, but I think it’s quite a big part of Spotfire’s feature set.

The other irritating aspect of the package is the way that axes are labelled. They are logically labelled based on the data source (e.g. Record Count) and the aggregation type (e.g Unique Count). This is all handled automatically and is fine most of the time, as long as you don’t mind axes with labels like “Unique Count(Record Count)”.  If you want to “fine tune” the labels for the “sensitive senior exec types” of customer you will find yourself fiddling about in PowerPoint trying to overlay a text box with the revised label over the top of the image from Spotfire. Not great when you are in a hurry.

Some of the spreadsheets I tried to connect to managed to choke Spotfire (and not through their size, the problematic ones were tiny) – necessitating a trip to Task Manager to kill the program. After a quick copy>paste special>paste values and format into a new sheet and everything seemed to work OK. Workeable but very tedious when there are lots of revisions going on. It may not be a Spotfire issue, but Excel had no issues opening and editing these workbooks.


Using Spotfire you get the feeling that someone finally got fed up with messing around with Excel and Pivot tables and decided to implement that approach, but properly.

The whole tool feels nicely focussed around cutting, analysing and displaying data. It doesn’t try to spread itself too thinly and really succeeds at what it sets out to do. One example of this focus would be on scatter plots. I needed to plot a number of points that were nearly co-incident. Spotfire has a dedicated “jitter” control that will jiggle the points about (with the ability to vary the “jitter” amplitude), so you can sacrifice precision for readiblity – brilliant!

Where I found myself getting a bit frustrated was in trying to fine-tune some of the appearance options. For example, on my scatter plot you can label the points, but the only thing you can change on the labels is the font size. You are stuck with a crude enclosing box, no choice on background or on the colour or weight of lead-line to the point.

Part of the reason these minor formatting issues grate is that the rest of the workflow with Spotfire is a delight. Once you have got into the way the package works (a couple of days of light use and you should be there) it is a joy to use. It is fast, logical and flexible. If you find yourself regularly using pivot tables, producing lots of charts or creating dashboards in Excel you really owe it to you (or your team) to check this tool out, it could transform the way you produce analysis.

Trying Spotfire out – getting a free trial

You can try Spotfire out by visiting their site here. You get 2 weeks of the full product and after this it drops back to the “personal edition” which drops a number of the more useful chart types, the abilty to export to PowerPoint and connections to databases (limits you to Excel spreadsheets).


I didn’t get paid a bean to write this article – just so you know.

Version tested

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
it_user5052 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user5052Director of IT at a tech vendor with 10,001+ employees

Great review. We are just starting to deploy spotfire in our company for advanced visualization and analysis capabilities. It has been well received. The challenge has been query performance with larger data sets. One of our use cases is pulling twelve years worth of warranty data for failure rate analysis. been a struggle tuning performance. we are starting to use of the in-memory caching capabilities. that is helping.. Need to see more improvements in delivering/distributing/collaborating with the analysis and also with the mobile capabilities

Senior Consultant at a computer software company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Top 20
Creates analytical dashboards on different datasets
Pros and Cons
  • "The solution is an affordable one."
  • "The initial setup is complicated and needs experience and knowledge."

What is our primary use case?

We provide services to other customers. We have multiple customers who are in the oil and gas industry. We use this software for managing clients' assets.  Creating analytical dashboards on different datasets from Wales and various other datasets they have from their enterprise software.  Everything is very well accumulated in one place using Spotfire.

What needs improvement?

There were a couple of issues with Spotfire. But in the new releases, they have they have covered them. We had some challenges with respect to what they will say, compatibility issues for formatting and importing. So but those were fixed and some performance related issues for bladder datasets. But now in the newer releases, it's it is it is working fine.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using TIBCO Spotfire for 5 years. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Fifty users are using the solution at present. 

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is complicated and needs experience and knowledge.

What about the implementation team?

Five engineers are required for maintenance.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is an affordable one. 

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I rate the solution an 8 out of 10. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Buyer's Guide
TIBCO Spotfire
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about TIBCO Spotfire. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,679 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Developer and a Software Administrator (currently unemployed)
Real User
A scalable and secure, enterprise-grade analytical platform
Pros and Cons
  • "From a scalability standpoint, I would say it's pretty fantastic."
  • "The design of the UI could be improved."

What is our primary use case?

At my previous company, I was both a developer and a software administrator. It was an upstream oil and gas company — exploration, drilling, and completion. Due to some financial issues (not being able to compete well in the market), they shut down their Houston office and laid off quite a few people. 

What is most valuable?

Spotfire started putting a lot of high-quality, online videos out there that are specifically geared toward things that clients are looking for. This is great because no one wants to sign up for a $2,000 training class or watch three hours of videos just to figure out something that can be explained in 10 minutes. I think that's a great thing.

What needs improvement?

When Spotfire released version 10.0, they came out with a brand new UI and made some pretty drastic changes to the user interface. With the first release of anything, there's always a lot of criticism and room for improvement. Still, the design of the UI could be improved. There are small issues like file name extensions that are hard to read, for example. They really improved their database connectivity. In version 10.0, they added a lot of great improvements that consumers have wanted for a long time. Regardless, some basic design changes in the UI would make it a little more intuitive for users.

In terms of the next release, from a data analytics standpoint, I think that it's a pretty strong product. I know they just made some recent improvements — now they have a Python programming interface in Spotfire. That was one of the things that I had wanted for a long time.

Some minor changes to the user interface to make navigation a little more intuitive would be nice. Other than that, the solution is really good. 

There's an online Spotfire community that is underused. I used to log into it a lot to try and have discussions with other users. I don't know if it's just that the users are working on so many different things that sometimes they're just not interested in talking with other users, but I think the user community should be promoted more. There's a lot of valuable information out there but it's up to the consumers to make use of it. I think that's something that they should promote more.

I also think they should limit the number of releases. I'm not a fan of their release schedule; sometimes they may have two types of releases at the same time. Basically, they have both short-term and long-term releases. They put out a long-term release every year to year-and-a-half. At the same time, they'll have five or six short-term releases in between. Sometimes, the short-term releases will have a critical upgrade that clients may want, but often, the short releases aren't supported as well as the long releases. So, if you're going to upgrade to a short-term release, you have to be willing to upgrade often.

My previous company had over 600 users. By the time I would get one version into production, we literally went right back into putting the next release into development — testing and getting it ready for production. I worked a lot with people in various business groups to help with testing and user acceptance — it got to the point where it was requiring a lot of them. Some of these people were engineers and they would say, "We can't be putting all this time into helping you test." So, we had to work around that. The release schedule is something I would change.

On a scale from one to ten, I would give this solution a rating of ten.

There are other really good products on the market, but I haven't seen anything that is light years ahead of Spotfire as far as capabilities go. It's been around for a long time; It has been a leading product years before many of these other products were even on the market. They have a great history.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have almost 10 years of experience with Spotfire.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

From a scalability standpoint, I would say it's pretty fantastic. Not that Spotfire itself is massively scalable. It's a pretty impressive analytical tool for developing visualizations and sharing them across the enterprise with your organization or business group.

TIBCO has built out an entire analytical platform. You can use Spotfire to connect to data sources, but let's say you wanted to stream data, in real-time; in this case, you may be working with almost a terabyte of data a day. Presently, there's really not any analytical application out there on the market that's going to do that very well, but you can scale with a data stream from TIBCO, which helps you access your data in real-time.

It really doesn't matter how much data you're working with, but they also have the business enterprise and TIBCO data analytics. TIBCO data analytics just opens up the door for any kind of truly advanced analytics that you're working with. You can insert real machine learning code right into your analysis.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support was always very responsive. They were probably more responsive than I was — there were a couple of times when I even had to open up an issue with them. If you don't get back to them within a certain number of days, they'll change the status of your service request. They'll put it on a temporary hold and then they'll close it out eventually. They're very responsive.

How was the initial setup?

I wasn't there when they set it up, but I did perform two upgrades myself while I was there, and it was fairly easy. It's changed a lot over the years and it's actually become quite easy to install and to get up and running. Roughly 10 years ago, when I did the first implementation, it was really difficult. There were five of us sitting around a table with a 300-page PDF that we had printed out — it took us an entire weekend to figure it out. Now, if you wanted to, you could actually install Spotfire in the cloud and actually have it up and running, connecting with data, in an hour or less. To me, that's pretty impressive.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

licensing-wise, I didn't really have any involvement.

In my role as a consultant, I would work with clients and, from a software evaluation standpoint, I would say, "Let's take a look at your business requirements. Let's see what's the right tool for you. Should you go with something that's easy-to-use, right out of the box? Or do you want something that's a little more advanced, based on your users and your business requirements?" Quite often, because it is very scalable and it suits many different company sizes and business requirements, Spotfire was the right choice.

What other advice do I have?

I would definitely recommend Spotfire. If you're considering using Spotfire, just be sure to implement and scale it properly. Too often, many companies will buy a fantastic product, but they have very immature users. If you're going to buy a strong product, you need to put a strong emphasis on training and developing your users. As a consultant, I've seen a lot of companies that say, "Spotfire can't do this."  Sure enough, after I'd look into it, the answer was always undertrained users.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
PeerSpot user
Consultant (Analytics + Information management) at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
Provides visualization options and data exploration.

What is most valuable?

  • The advanced settings in the dialog box for visualization options are comprehensive and easy to use.
  • The filters available in the data panel for data exploration are responsive, even on large data sets.

How has it helped my organization?

It has improved internal audits in customers that implemented the enterprise server by increasing the size and scope of data sets analyzed and tested. This makes the process more automated.

What needs improvement?

Some visualizations that were customized did not display well when published to the web server. I suspect it had more to do with the specifications for that particular deliverable than with the solution's capabilities.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have used the solution for one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have not encountered any stability issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have not encountered any scalability issues, but we are only a small implementation for three to five analysts.

How are customer service and technical support?

We haven't used the technical support facility.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Other customers implemented IBM Cognos, SAP Business Objects, or Tableau.

How was the initial setup?

We don't know about the initial setup.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We can't offer any advice on this issue.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated Tableau. Our decision to go with Tibco Spotfire came down to the availability of a developer/analyst skillset with the tool.

What other advice do I have?

Consider how this fits within enterprise data governance. There are no real savings on time spent preparing data for analysis.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
PeerSpot user
BI Developer at a tech services company with 51-200 employees
This product has enabled staff to easily create reports/dashboards without having to involve a developer in most cases.

What is most valuable?

  • Good data transformation tools.
  • Excellent connectivity to different data sources.
  • Good forecasting and statistical capabilities.
  • Can be hosted or cloud based.

How has it helped my organization?

  • It has enabled staff to easily create reports/dashboards without having to involve a developer in most cases.
  • It has made it easier for users to create their own reusable visualizations/widgets.
  • For more advanced users it facilitates better integration of the languages used (Python, Javascript, etc.) and the tools.

What needs improvement?

  • Spotfire is poor at pixel perfect embedding in a website.
  • It can be difficult to remove the Spotfire branding for embedded pages as well.
  • It is a very expensive license model.
  • DBA is still required for optimization of some report queries and their underlying SQL.

For how long have I used the solution?

We used this solution for four years up to the beginning of 2016.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Ours was a hosted solution with two servers. The main Spotfire server required very few restarts and it was normally down to a user creating a crazy report for millions of rows of data.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have not encountered any scalability issues. However, the cost is prohibitive.

How are customer service and technical support?

The technical support is above average. Our Spotfire support was handled by a Spotfire partner who was quick to respond. TIBCO's website does also provide a wealth of information through a knowledge base, community forums, technical block articles etc. They provided a few licenses for a development system so we could test patches etc out before deploying to our production system.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used Oracle Portal. We switched as the technology was becoming dated and our analysts wanted something they could use themselves with minimal development involvement and to be easy to deploy their dashboards/reports to their users.

How was the initial setup?

I wasn't involved with the setup as our IT team did this. They didn't complain about it afterwards.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Tibco is an expensive product and although we purchased it initially for a small user group, as usage grew licencing costs meant we had to be very proactive with users who had licences but were not using them. There didn't appear to be any options to reduce the per user licencing costs by changing to a per processor model unless you were spending £1m+.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We looked at Tableau, Qlikview, Jaspersoft, Oracle.

What other advice do I have?

  • Tibco brought Jaspersoft recently which offers far better options for embedding/pixel perfect, however they are still in the process of integrating the two.
  • Write your needs down as well as any specific requirements.
  • Get the Tibco Partner to show you a demo against your data.
  • If it's only for a small number of users look at their cloud solution rather than hosted.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
it_user496149 - PeerSpot reviewer
Sr. IT Business Intelligence Scientist at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
It provides connectors and data driver support for about 40 unique data sources, including all of the common structured ones and non-structured ones.

What is most valuable?

  • Ease of accessing, aggregating and visualizing data sources
  • The amount of data that the product can manage in memory

Spotfire provides connectors and data driver support for about 40 unique data sources including all of the common structured ones like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, etc., plus non-structured sources like HTML, RSS feeds, data warehouses and fast data platforms. All of the different data sources can be merged or mashed up in one “viz”. The size limit of data is the 64-bit address space or 16 terabytes, basically unlimited. I ran one POC on a dataset over 100 GB and Spotfire performed as well as it does with small datasets. Note, the data load time is roughly proportional to the size of the dataset, but the access to the data once it is loaded in memory in Spotfire is just about the same on any size dataset.

How has it helped my organization?

Use of Spotfire has almost eliminated people doing cumbersome, manual ETL efforts in files and other products from transactional source systems and the corporate data warehouse.

What needs improvement?

Administration functionality can be improved more by moving the rest of the command-line effort to a web-based UI. Otherwise, just keep adding more functions that otherwise most customers have to create as custom functions. Add a Shut Down and Exit option in the event of an unresponsive session, usually due to data connectivity issues.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using it for eight years(starting with version 4.0).

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

There is very little instability until the memory of the host reaches 0% availability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

No issues with scalability.

How are customer service and technical support?

Almost perfect support, 9. The only issue I had was understanding some of the techs verbally due to “English not their primary language”. WebEx and chatting was the workaround.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I did not have any experience with a similar solution before Spotfire.

How was the initial setup?

Initial setup is very simple and works as documented.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Negotiate, plan for three years out and triple whatever your best forecast is for growth. Spotfire usage typically will grow like a wildfire in high winds and dry forest.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I did not do the evaluations but a comparison of Tableau was evaluated and failed to meet data size requirements and in-memory capacity.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Integrating Manager at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
If you have to deploy visualizations you can do it based on the business needs
Pros and Cons
  • "The two features that I have found most valuable are its ability to customize the dashboards when it comes to the evaluation. The second feature is its ability to handle a large amount of data, which is also something very unique about it."
  • "When it comes to data manipulation, there are features which are good, but one of the features which has really been missing in Spotfire is an offline ability for data manipulation."

What is our primary use case?

We have two primary use cases. One is for the data exploration and the second is for deploying the dashboards for the specific business use cases.

What is most valuable?

There are two features that I have found most valuable. One is its ability to customize the dashboards when it comes to the evaluation. If you have to deploy visualizations you can actually do it based on the business needs and even customize them for the business prep centers. Other tools are not as flexible as Spotfire's ability to integrate HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

The second feature is its ability to handle a large amount of data, which is also something very unique about it.

What needs improvement?

In terms of what could be improved, when it comes to data manipulation there are features which are good, but one of the features which has really been missing in Spotfire is an offline ability for data manipulation. In Qlik you are able to simply manipulate the member's data, manage it, and build data through SQL queries. This means you can actually do your data modeling offline. If we had this type of capability in Spotfire that would make it a very superior product with respect to the others in the market. Now it is hard to manage offline.

You really have to rely on the external sources to do the entire data modeling for the exploration or for the visualization development. But what Qlik has also started offering is that they have a wider capability where you can actually have offline data and do your data modeling through the SQL. This means you can actually manipulate a member's data before you utilize it in a visualization. So you really don't have to rely a lot on the enterprise source, and you can manage data in your own source and then deploy the dashboard supporting this.

Additionally, support could be improved. Lastly, the third feature which I would really recommend improving is the diagnosing and monitoring tools, which are really missing in the overall portfolio of Spotfire.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using TIBCO Spotfire for five, six years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is pretty stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

TIBCO Spotfire is a scalable product. 

We have more than 3,000 people using it.

We do plan to use it more in the future. We really recommend the new capabilities and really try to simplify it as we go.

How are customer service and technical support?

We have access to the technical support, though from a technical support perspective, I do feel this is one of the areas which can be improved. There is not a lot of self-service available in the technical admin support. That means that for almost every single issue you may have to rely on the technical support because the online materials are not enough.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Before using TIBCO Spotfire we were using Power BI. However, we were really not able to find a good scalable solution with Power BI.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was easy. It took roughly a couple of days.

What about the implementation team?

There was a team for the initial setup. A couple of engineers.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

TIBCO Spotfire is an expensive product.

What other advice do I have?

I would totally recommend this product. 

On a scale of one to ten I would rate TIBCO Spotfire an eight.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
PeerSpot user
BI and Location Analytics Consultant at a tech consulting company with 51-200 employees
It offers embedded R scripts and a mapserver.

What is most valuable?

  • Embedded R scripts
  • Mapserver

These features are key to separating BI tools from ETL tools. RDMS have ETL tools that run the transfer protocol. Some BI tools in the oil and gas industry have ETL features that take the place of accessing the database directly. In the big data ecosystem, the data cleansing process takes place before ETL processes are run to integrate the data. On the other hand, in RDMS, the data cleansing takes place after the data has been imported from disparate system into the database.

How has it helped my organization?

I used it in an academic setting as a resource to learn R scripting. I have found it an easy API to learn.

What needs improvement?

I encourage a seamless integration with Hadoop; a direct connection to Hadoop server from a session in Spotfire. This might exist for the Spotfire server connectivity, but I do not work with the server version.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have infrequently used it for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I have not encountered any stability issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I have not encountered any scalability issues.

How are customer service and technical support?

I haven't used technical support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have used several BI tools and still maintain this diversity in product usage.

How was the initial setup?

Initial setup was somewhat complex on the client’s system. I am not familiar with the server installation.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It is economical to consider desktop client usage when possible.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I also use QlkView, Tableau and MicroStrategy.

What other advice do I have?

Consider how you intend to use the product before investing in functionality that you might not need.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
it_user326337 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user326337Customer Success Manager at PeerSpot

Thanks, Carolyn. For the time being, how do you compensate for the lack of seamless integration?

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Updated: May 2024
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