
50 Points
2 Years

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Almost 2 years ago
@Aditya Chakradhar Nanduri Thanks Aditya!!  Will have a look.
Almost 2 years ago
Feedback from Tricentis.   In theory, this is doable. There is a CI plugin and an executable that can be invoked from the CI/CD workflow.   They indicated that if a hands-on POC or implementation assistance is required they can assist I will let you know whether we go ahead…
Almost 2 years ago
@Evgeny Belenky I checked their website and also did some investigation but no integration with Tosca (as of April 2022) as far as I can see.  Still waiting for a reply from their support line.
Almost 2 years ago
@ShaneRoss Absolutely Shane. As soon as I get a response I'll update this conversation too.
Almost 2 years ago
@ShaneRoss   Thanks Shane - have also reached out to Tricentis so hopefully will find out shortly.  Copado is the client preference hence why I'm investigating - but am pulling alternatives together.

