
User Activity

11 months ago

About me

Hello, my name is Digna Rivas, and I bring over a decade of expertise in the fields of Technical Support and Customer Service. Proficient in both Advanced English and Native Spanish, I am a seasoned multitasker known for my discipline, responsibility, and agility in adapting to evolving business requirements.

My career is characterized by a strong desire for continuous learning and a natural aptitude for building meaningful connections with others. My outgoing and friendly personality enhances my ability to connect with colleagues and clients alike.

Throughout my professional journey, I've thrived in environments where I am evaluated based on the achievement of objectives, key performance indicators, and tangible results. My commitment to excellence and my ability to deliver on these metrics consistently set me apart.

I look forward to leveraging my skills and experience to contribute positively to your organization's success. Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate effectively.