
115 Points
4 Years
Top 20


About 4 years ago
Fully integrated and deployed Identity Access and Governance
Fully integrated and deployed Identity Access and Governance solution for 47000 staff
Almost 4 years ago
Endpoint Control
We had a requirement to manage the end points prior to COVID and this has become all the more relevant during COVID and the impact it has on business today Our project kicked off a year ago and is now fully complete. The work revolved around the implementation of end to…
Almost 3 years ago
Critical Infrastructure
Implementation of the National Critical Infrastructure Regulations within the Telecoms sector Middle East an Africa.  

About me

Ian is an accomplished Chief Information Security Officer with over 30 years’ experience in the field. He started off his career in South African Defence Force Combat School where he served as an Instructor in Army Intelligence. Ian took this background into the corporate world and was instrumental in the creation of the Global Security function for Deloitte and subsequently was appointed as ISO for ABSA Corporate and Merchant Bank.

Currently Ian is the CISO for SBV Services and reports directly to the CEO of the Group. Ian is passionate about building Information Security functions, creating order out of chaos and teaching people that security is not something to be feared but embraced. In his private life he enjoys life outdoors either in the bush or scuba diving. He has 2 sons and his wife is an Program Executive in the financial services sector

Interesting Projects and Accomplishments

Almost 4 years ago
Almost 3 years ago