
55 Points
6 Years

User Activity

Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: BDD Testing: Pros and Cons
BDD is not about testing. It is about to have common sense about the application behavior and use this to develop a piece of software. As I mentioned, "to develop" software. Testing comes before and after it, not in it. Testers are part of the definition, he/she collaborates…
Almost 7 years ago



Almost 4 years ago
Test Management Tools

About me

I’m a Principal QA Engineer with ten years of experience in software testing. I’ve worked in all levels of testing: Unit, System, and API Integration (REST and SOAP), UI (Desktop, Web, and Mobile), Performance and Acceptance (UAT). I've implemented a functional software testing automation process in many companies using tools like Selenium Webdriver and TestComplete also non- functional automation testing using JMeter. I have some software testing certifications: CTFL, CTFL Agile Tester, CTAL Test Manager, CTAL Test Automation Engineer, CBTS (Brazilian Certification) and SoapUI Pro. Sporadically I work as a guest post-graduate professor at the following universities: Uniasselvi (Santa Catarina) and Unicesumar (Paraná). I’ve been attended some conferences in Brazil: iMasters PHP Experience, The Developers Conference, BRATESTE, É dia de Java, PHPConference, TICNOVA, TestTalk, and GURU-SP.

Tools that I've used (and taught about):
Selenium WebDriver, HP UFT, JUnit, Rest-Assured, Frisby.js, Appium, HP Mobile Center, SauceLabs, BrowserStack, PHPUnit, Facebook-WebDriver, Behat, Codeception, RSpec, Capybara, Poltergeist, Cucumber, TestComplete, SoapUI, IBM RPT, HP LoadRunner, Ready!API, JMeter, Badboy, HP ALM, TestLink, Mantis and Jira.

Languages that I've used:
Java, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, VBScript, and ObjectPascal.

Other tools:
Jenkins, Git, Maven, Bundler, and Composer.

Frameworks and Methodologies:
Scrum, Kanban, and HP BPT.