
Has anyone worked on Software defined Perimeter as a NAC Solution.

it_user742053 - PeerSpot reviewer
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Find out what your peers are saying about Aruba ClearPass vs. Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) and other solutions. Updated: March 2024.
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Aruba ClearPass vs. Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) comparison
We performed a comparison between Aruba ClearPass and Cisco ISE (Identity Service Engine) based on our users’ reviews in four categories. After reading all of the collected data, you can find our conclusion below. Ease of Deployment: Aruba ClearPass users relate that one does need to have some technical expertise to install and deploy this solution. Although it is not so complex, it is definitely not easy, either. Users tell us the integration with the Active Directory can be very involved....
Download Aruba ClearPass vs. Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) comparison ReportRead more

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