InfluxDB vs Neo4j Graph Database comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in NoSQL Databases
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (46th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (36th)
Neo4j Graph Database
Ranking in NoSQL Databases
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Market share comparison

As of June 2024, in the NoSQL Databases category, the market share of InfluxDB is 18.6% and it increased by 46.5% compared to the previous year. The market share of Neo4j Graph Database is 2.0% and it decreased by 40.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
NoSQL Databases
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

PedroCampos - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 25, 2022
A powerful, lightweight time series database with a simple query language and easy setup
Influx has TICK Stack, which contains multiple services and multiple products that work together. InfluxDB is just a time series database, and it works really well. I haven't yet had the time to look into the new stack based on Influx 2.0, but currently, as a time series database, InfluxDB is working the way it is supposed to work. In terms of features that I would like to see or have, in the community version, some features are not available. I would like to have clustering and authentication in the community version. I would also like to have high availability features, such as replication, active-active, etc. If they can put an extra plugin or service on top of it, it would be something interesting. I am not sure if they have high availability to make it data center-aware for clustering. For example, I am not sure whether you can have it at different locations with big clusters that are location-aware. Even in their documentation or presentation, they talk too little about high availability and extended clusters with different locations. They might already have it in the newer versions. We have Influx 1.8 in our production in the stage and internal workloads environments. The other products in their ecosystem, such as Chronograf, can be improved. Chronograf is a dashboarding or visualization layer product, and that, for sure, can be improved.
Feb 13, 2024
Lots of training and documentation and excellent performance
As a graph database, I am surprised at their performance and response time. I found that graphed database does not use the join function. In LDBMS, there's usually the time function with some tables. However, in a graph database, they only have nodes, raw data, and it's very powerful. Using GDB, it's very, very competitive with the RDBMS for some functions and business processes. In some cases, there are a lot of times, a lot of days, or a lot of months to get the results using the RDBMS; however, using the GDB, it only needs a few seconds or a few minutes. I tested and trained using Neo4j, and the Neo4j database also has a user interface solution called Bloom which is a very, very powerful solution for the client. The graph database is very different from the relational database. The graph data solution is not popular in Korea. However, it will be very popular and competitive for customers in the future. It's very good. In two to five years, the GDB, graph database, will be really popular. The product is easy to set up. It is stable. The solution can scale.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"InfluxDB is a database where you can insert data. However, it would be best if you had different components for alerting, data sending, and visualization. You need to install tools to collect data from servers. It must be installed on Windows or Linux servers. During installation, ensure that the configuration file is correct to prevent issues. Once data is collected, it can be sent to InfluxDB. For visualization, you can use open-source tools like Grafana."
"InfluxDB's best feature is that it's a cloud offering. Other good features include its time-series DB, fast time-bulk queries, and window operations."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is we can use InfluxDB to integrate with and plug into any other tools."
"In our case, it started with a necessity to fill the gap that we had in monitoring. We had very reactive monitoring without trend analysis and without some advanced features. We were able to implement them by using a time series database. We are able to have all the data from applications, logs, and systems, and we can use a simple query language to correlate all the data and make things happen, especially with monitoring. We could more proactively monitor our systems and our players' trends."
"The user interface is well-designed and easy to use. It provides a clear overview of the data, making it simple to understand the information at hand."
"The most valuable features of InfluxDB are the documentation and performance, and the good plugins metrics in the ecosystem."
"The most valuable features are aggregating the data and integration with Graphana for monitoring."
"The solution is very powerful."
"Enables people to understand what the business problem is and how the technology helps."
"Creates the ability to visualize outputs."
"As a graph database, I am surprised at their performance and response time."


"The error logging capability can be improved because the logs are not very informative."
"I've tried both on-premises and cloud-based deployments, and each has its limitations."
"InfluxDB is generally stable, but we've encountered issues with the configuration file in our ticket stack. For instance, a mistake in one of the metrics out of a hundred KPIs can disrupt data collection for all KPIs. This happens because the agent stops working if there's an issue with any configuration part. To address this, it is essential to ensure that all configurations are part of the agent's EXE file when provided. This makes it easier to package the agent for server installation and ensures all KPIs are available from the server. Additionally, the agent cannot encrypt and decrypt passwords for authentication, which can be problematic when monitoring URLs or requiring authentication tokens. This requires additional scripting and can prolong service restart times."
"The solution's UI can be more user-friendly."
"The solution doesn't have much of a user interface."
"InfluxDB can improve by including new metrics on other technologies. They had some changes recently to pool data from endpoints but the functionality is not good enough in the industry."
"InfluxDB cannot be used for high-cardinality data. It's also difficult and time-consuming to write queries, and there are some issues with bulk API."
"In terms of features that I would like to see or have, in the community version, some features are not available. I would like to have clustering and authentication in the community version."
"There are concerns about performance and whether the tool can necessarily scale to provide the solution."
"So far, we have not had any issues and are happy with the product in general."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We are using the open-source version of InfluxDB."
"InfluxDB recently increased its price. It is very expensive now."
"The tool is an open-source product."
"InfluxDB is open-source, but there are additional costs for scaling."
Information not available
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about InfluxDB?
InfluxDB is a database where you can insert data. However, it would be best if you had different components for alerting, data sending, and visualization. You need to install tools to collect data ...
What needs improvement with InfluxDB?
InfluxDB is generally stable, but we've encountered issues with the configuration file in our ticket stack. For instance, a mistake in one of the metrics out of a hundred KPIs can disrupt data coll...
What is your primary use case for InfluxDB?
InfluxDB is a database where you can insert data. However, it would be best if you had different components for alerting, data sending, and visualization. You need to install tools to collect data ...
What do you like most about Neo4j Graph Database?
As a graph database, I am surprised at their performance and response time.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Neo4j?
I don't have information about the license fee amount. That said, I know that the Neo4j license fee is more expensive than a local solution. There aren't really any extra costs. However, if we need...
What needs improvement with Neo4j Graph Database?
So far, we have not had any issues and are happy with the product in general.



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Sample Customers

ebay, AXA, Mozilla, DiDi, LeTV, Siminars, Cognito, ProcessOut, Recommend, CATS, Smarsh, Row 44, Clustree, Bleemeo
Walmart, Telenor, Wazoku, Adidas, Cerved, GameSys, eBay, Schleich, ICIJ, die Bayerisch, Megree, InfoJobs, LinkedIn
Find out what your peers are saying about InfluxDB vs. Neo4j Graph Database and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
787,226 professionals have used our research since 2012.