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Eaton PDUs pros and cons

Vendor: Eaton
5.0 out of 5

Eaton PDUs Pros review quotes

Jun 28, 2020
What's most valuable about this is that Eaton built for us the exact model that I needed. We went through the customization options, everything from the cable length and electrical specifications to the color of the PDU. It showed different color PDUs to keep my company's data center that much more organized.
Sep 29, 2020
The solution's color chassis options are a benefit. One of our new standards is that we've gone red and yellow with all power cables and PDUs, for primary and redundant. It's very easy for a technician to see that he's not unplugging both the power supplies of one unit. When everything is black and you're trying to trace it, sometimes your finger accidentally comes off the cable and you get on the wrong one. Next thing you know, you've unplugged both power supplies of a system and you have a crash... The red and yellow make it almost idiot proof.

Eaton PDUs Cons review quotes

Jun 28, 2020
The initial setup was slightly complicated due to the mounting incompatibility with the competitor's server cabinets, the one that I described to you earlier.
Sep 29, 2020
My only complaint with it is that we use Panduit wire management and Eaton's PDUs will not lock into Panduit. There are two little knobs on the back where you can just slip it in and it'll lock right into the wire management, but it does not work on Panduit. It only works on their proprietary wire management. It needs to be able to integrate with other wire managers.

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