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Infraon Desk pros and cons

Vendor: EverestIMS
3.8 out of 5

Infraon Desk Pros review quotes

May 11, 2021
There are a few dashboards and they are helpful because, in our organization, we have different groups of people who need different kinds of dashboards... as head of network operations, I need a top-level view. I want to see how many calls are open and how many calls are pending, on average, and some trend analysis. Whereas a manager in my team might like to see slightly more detail.
Jul 8, 2021
Infraon Desk is very flexible in nature and can be customized for my needs. The fact that I can customize it the way I want is the best part of the tool for me.

Infraon Desk Cons review quotes

May 11, 2021
The reporting is okay, but it doesn't give you reports that make you say "wow," like you might see from a tool like MRTG or PRTG whose reports give you a good feeling. The detailing is not there in the Infraon Desk reports and there are no graphical elements in them. The reporting is slightly weak and needs to be improved.
Jul 8, 2021
Better connectivity and integration with more collaborative platforms would be helpful.

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