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KnowBe4 pros and cons

Vendor: KnowBe4
4.5 out of 5
Badge Ranked 1

KnowBe4 Pros review quotes

Dec 14, 2020
The main thing is the overall report card. We get to tell the percentages of users who click on links and who don't click on links. We also get an overall score or risk score from them, which also helps us.
Apr 19, 2021
There are many valuable features. It's already deployed in the cloud, and you don't have to install anything. You just upload your users to the cloud and tweak something if needed. You can whitelist some servers to work with this properly. When everything is ready, you can start using the platform and its many automated features.
Apr 17, 2024
Their customizable nature allows us to create scenarios that closely resemble real-world phishing attempts, making them highly relatable to our end users.

KnowBe4 Cons review quotes

Dec 14, 2020
It can be more interactive with users. We want to put the users in different scenarios and let them make decisions. For example, instead of making users go through a video and then asking questions, it can have a video where they click on the scenarios and have to make decisions. It can maybe have something like a live simulation. It would be nice for users.
Apr 19, 2021
It could be more localized for Ukrainian users. This platform is international, and it has a lot of material in different languages, but not in Ukrainian and Russian languages. There's plenty of different content updated regularly for English, French, and German users. They have a lot more information, and Ukrainian users also want more.
Apr 17, 2024
Enhancing the product's emotional intelligence, particularly by providing training content tailored to specific audiences, is an area for improvement.