Recruitee Pros review quotes

Jan 16, 2021
In general, the platform is very simple to customize. We have previously used different ERP/funneling platforms, such as Pipedrive. They were all great, but they were very complicated to set up and very confusing. Getting someone completely new to use them was a pretty big headache, but Recruitee is very easy to use. It is very easy to get someone completely new to learn everything and use the project in one day. It provides the ease of onboarding people and the ease of use. It is not trying to be more than it is. It is just about hiring, and it focuses just on the hiring process, communicating with people, and going to multiple hiring stages. Most ERP/hiring solutions have massive integrations and customizations. They try to provide a lot of things in the platform, but Recruitee is there just to recruit. It is very linear. It just does its job well and doesn't try to be what it is not.
Feb 17, 2021
What really impressed me was the ease with which you could alter the funnel. You could add steps to the funnel or just leave steps out. It provided flexibility. You could also assign specific people in the organization per vacancy. It is user-friendly, and it has a very good overview. When you open the screen with all the vacancies, it is very easy to see your overview. You can also assign the tasks that you have to somebody, which is something that not every system has.
Jan 24, 2021
I really like the privacy within Recruitee. I can add multiple hiring managers and manage all different vacancies without them having or being able to see what's going on in other vacancies. It is quite easy to use. I can easily add another colleague. It is straightforward and intuitive. I don't even have to explain to hiring managers how it works for us because they are able to figure it out once they click on it.

Recruitee Cons review quotes

Jan 16, 2021
One of the minor problems was that when we sent mass emails to every applicant at one stage, some people didn't receive the email. It would go into some kind of a spam box or something. It took us quite a while to figure this out. Of course, this is a general problem with emails, but some other platforms have better ways to find this, warn, or give you best practices. With Recruitee, it took us quite a while to figure out that the problem is happening and how to deal with it. That was one of the minor issues. Another issue was related to communication. They have a support team, but it takes quite a while to hear back on some of the issues. They don't work on weekends. It was a little unusual for a SaaS product.
Feb 17, 2021
We found the evaluation of interviews offered in Recruitee too complicated, so we didn't use that. They offer a way to rate and evaluate interviews, but it was a little bit more complicated, so we didn't use that. It was also a little bit harder to find where this feature was located. What surprised me was that if you have one vacancy and you want to announce it, for example, in the Netherlands in Dutch and also in English, that wasn't possible. In such a case, you need to open two vacancies, but then, of course, your reporting is off. It would be really beneficial if they can offer the possibility of posting one position in multiple languages. In this particular organization, it was not really that much of an issue because it was a local organization. I understood from the person responsible for connecting Recruitee to career sites that there were some things that you struggled with, especially with regards to banners, pictures, photos, and things like that. I did not do it myself. On the backend, I personally didn't really have any issues. It could maybe have integration with Outlook so that you can plan interviews straight from the system, and they also show up in the Outlook calendars of the managers.
Jan 24, 2021
The GDPR system needs some improvement. They say that you automatically have approval when you just add a CV. I might not have even asked for it. I would like to have a better GDPR system that asks or sends a request for saving data. It is not completely customizable. Sometimes, I can't do the things that I want to do. I would like to edit our career website, but I can only change the main page of our career website. I can't change the layout or pictures within our vacancies. They have it all automized to disable. We do everything that we can to make it as good as we can for Google for jobs, but I miss some of the checkpoints for Google for jobs, and I can't edit them myself.

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