About me

I have 13 years worth of commercial development experience in a variety of industries including retail, advertising, social, education and gaming. My programming experience is mainly in frontend development but I have a solid understand of backend systems too.

I’m passionate about clean, tidy code but also about developing software that is useful, looks great and can be maintained, updated and deployed quickly and with a quality finish.

Summary of technical skills:

Frontend (HTML/CSS/JS)

I first developed HTML/CSS/JS on Netscape Navigator 4 back in 1997. Recently I have used Knockout, RequireJS, Angular, JQuery, Gulp, Grunt, SASS, Myth.io, responsive design techniques, CSS3 animations and “OOP CSS” (BEM, SuitCSS and SMACSS) methodologies.

Flash AS3/Flex MXML

While used rarely these days, I spent several years developing using these platforms which gave me knowledge and skills transferable to Javascript and other languages.

Backend (.NET/PHP/NodeJS)

I’ve worked on the backend for several projects varying from simple “submit some advice” websites in .NET to a social networking site for MTV in PHP.


I’ve done small pieces of work in Objective C (iOS development) and Python/Django. I have some experience in DevOps with basic Linux skills, Chef (Ruby) server configuration, Jenkins (CI) setup. I’ve been using Git (GitHub/BitBucket) for the last few years and SVN before that.