
55 Points
8 Years

User Activity

Over 8 years ago
Answered a question: TM1 Express vs. TM1 Enterprise
Well, the key difference is at the scalability where express can only be installed on a single machine while enterprise can be deployed on multiple machines. Functionalities are largely the same across both versions Good to check with an IBM representative: 1. Tm1 prism (…


Over 8 years ago
Business Performance Management

About me

Understanding and analyzing data have always been the core drivers of my career development and personal passion. Over the past 8 years, I have personally involved in some 30 small, medium and enterprise wide design/development/deployment in the BI/BA realm, working closely with stakeholders and business users in delivering and harnessing the value propositions of the analytic solution. I see myself continuing passionately in this field for the next 10 to 15 years, relentlessly exploring new technologies in the analytic domain and contributing the knowledge and know-how back to my customers and the general public.