
55 Points
5 Years

User Activity

Over 4 years ago
I must say that I have a bias because my company is a manufacturer of a BPMS (Dexon BPM) that is based on a microservice architecture and that allows you to orchestrate workflows that go through heterogeneous systems. My recommendation is that you consider the security issue…


Over 4 years ago
Business Process Management (BPM)

About me

Luis B. Chicaiza, Systems and Computing Engineer.
Software entrepreneur since 1991, Luis has developed software products, founded companies and executed commercial strategies for products marketed in LATAM, some examples include: Compucilina, VirusTab and MultiVac antivirus, IT operations tools such as Aranda Asset Management, Aranda Software Metrix, and business solutions such as Dexon ServiceDesk, Dexon BI and Dexon BPM.

These products compete with the best world-class alternatives and have clear technical differentials. With these companies Luis started business operations in the USA, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina.

Luis is also a mentor of the entrepreneurship and innovation with ICT programme at the University of Los Andes and in the Mega Enterprises programme. He is a member of the Digital Economy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (Colombia chapter), and the executive committee of the Software Cluster of Bogotá.