
IBM QRadar vs LogRhythm NextGen SIEM: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
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Find out what your peers are saying about IBM Security QRadar vs. LogRhythm SIEM and other solutions. Updated: April 2024.
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IBM Security QRadar vs. LogRhythm SIEM comparison
We performed a comparison between IBM Security QRadar and LogRhythm SIEM based on our users’ reviews in five categories. After reading all of the collected data, you can find our conclusion below. Features: IBM Security QRadar users say the solution provides extensive information and helpful leads for locating pertinent data. Users praised LogRhythm SIEM for its user-friendly centralized dashboard, strong integration capabilities, and event-filtering capabilities. QRadar stands out with...
Download IBM Security QRadar vs. LogRhythm SIEM comparison ReportRead more

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