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Carbonite Migrate pros and cons

Vendor: OpenText
3.5 out of 5

Carbonite Migrate Pros review quotes

Aug 9, 2020
Carbonite Migrate is helpful on an infrastructure level.
Mar 23, 2021
Carbonite Migrate works well in Windows platform migrations and in the case of a VML platform. The migration is smooth in Windows environments.

Carbonite Migrate Cons review quotes

Aug 9, 2020
We find it very difficult to use these tools in a multi-cloud environment
Mar 23, 2021
Migration in RHEL and Linux environments can be improved. During RHEL migration with multiple data areas, you have to create a similar source environment at the destination. This can be challenging because you have to install it, create the VM, install over it, and mount it at the mount point. Only then can you do the migration.