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CDW ServiceNow Solutions pros and cons

Vendor: CDW
4.3 out of 5
Badge Ranked 1

CDW ServiceNow Solutions Pros review quotes

Oct 8, 2021
CDW applies agile principles and scrum. It also helps out in terms of setting up the right priorities for the entire organization, helping us to understand the best practices on our requests to correctly accommodate certain enhancements and the delivery of work from our development team or their administrators.
Oct 14, 2021
CDW's expertise is high when it comes to ServiceNow. They do a good job of helping us with governance, supporting the system, telling us of new features that are coming out on the system, and developing solutions on top of ServiceNow.
Dec 16, 2021
CDW's expertise, when it comes to ServiceNow and ServiceNow best practices, is strong. They seem to grasp the business concepts well. They don't need a lot of translation and they tend to respond well when an error has been determined.

CDW ServiceNow Solutions Cons review quotes

Oct 8, 2021
When we want to contract them for projects outside of their MSP contract, there is room for improvement. They could be better at: Understanding our current state of things. Providing more guidance in terms of best practices for general implementation. Their on-demand project teams need to do a better job in terms of delivering work, providing expertise, and understanding our current state.
Oct 14, 2021
On the project implementation side, it needs to be a little more authoritative. From a project management standpoint, I would rate them as seven out of 10.
Dec 16, 2021
They continue to seek out additional opportunities on adjacencies and new technologies that are in a crowded space. They need to have more examples in those spaces first, before they try to sell them to us. For example, they want to participate in our AWS implementation, but it's hard to make a shift from our existing AWS partnerships, given that we haven't seen a lot of examples of work in this area from CDW.

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